# CB 2.7.2 01 March 2022 Community Builder 2.7.2 * Feature proposal #5558: Implement plugin installer pre-scripts * Feature proposal #5882: Guzzle, PHP7, and minimum PHP 5.6 * Feature proposal #7338: Implement user management batch tool to toggle reset password field * Bug #7431: Changing fieldtype from text to select leaves behind text validation parameters * Bug #7776: Tab CSS class not being applied to flat layout * Feature proposal #8239: Increase size of field layout parameter textarea fields * Bug #8512: User params display settings resetting on install * Bug #8562: Default forbidden words for web address fields blocks http/https * Bug #8817: [J4] textareas have a min-height style applied * Bug #8837: Lost username/password form can still be displayed when logged in * Bug #8846: Email field validation applying to partial list searches * Bug #8864: [J4.1] User params failing due to bad IF check not taking into consideration 4.1 * Feature proposal #8870: Improve tooltip targeting to support template sources * Feature proposal #8871: Update to final Bootstrap 4 release * Feature proposal #8872: Implement minified CSS files for core CSS * Feature proposal #8873: Implement additional email validation option