# 4.7.0 15 November 2023 * Feature proposal #3654: Additional substitutions for emails (presentation emails, cbsubs mailer, and cbsubs emails) * Bug #9224: Selecting a parent plan with non-exclusive child plans causes child plan selection * Feature proposal #9227: Adapt Ogone payment gateway to WorldLine/Ogone API changes * Bug #9229: Ogone payment gateway: For long payment types: data too long for column 'payment_type' at row * Feature proposal #9230: Ogone payment gateway: Add new Dynamic e-Commerce parameters in SHA-OUT calculation * Bug #9239: Quickpay: payment response "brand" is now an array * Bug #9263: Stripe: return URLs containing non-UTF8 characters cause API calls to fail * Feature proposal #9280: Joomla 5.0 native compatibility