# 2.3 * Bug #2456: events date and time calculations off * Bug #2457: remove all kunena API usage and use direct queries * Feature proposal #2459: implement backend creation of auto joins and auto creates * Bug #2461: integrations template css files loading before integration css files * Bug #2462: invited users are not auto approved * Feature proposal #2466: implement feature to send messages to attending users for events * Feature proposal #2467: My/Joined to All groups usage parameter * Feature proposal #2468: update module to support my/joined categories/groups * Feature proposal #2474: implement group ordering * Feature proposal #2480: implement notification triggers * Feature proposal #2483: implement optional jquery form validation * Bug #2484: forum subscription access checking * Feature proposal #2495: videos integration needs more information * Feature proposal #2496: implement integration triggers * Bug #2497: GJ RC2 bug with category access permissions with K1.6.2 * Feature proposal #2499: optional connections drop-down for quick inviting