# 2.4 * Bug #2430: events always errored as being in the past * Bug #2504: remove usage of cbAdminFileSystem * Bug #2505: fix guessing of category/group id in setLogo * Bug #2518: autojoin field not properly creating * Bug #2519: fix hardcoded from name in notification function * Feature proposal #2520: update GJ auto with types/type/status * Bug #2521: invite email regex check not accurate enough * Feature proposal #2523: Implement permissions for who can message * Feature proposal #2524: implement display of type of auto in backend auto integration * Bug #2526: Notification name substitution not providing correct URL * Feature proposal #2531: Nested categories and groups * Feature proposal #2547: add lightbox support to photo integration * Feature proposal #2562: google maps for events integration * Feature proposal #2563: implement data caching in event of an error during save operations * Bug #2572: forum access not properly matching * Feature proposal #2588: better tools mass-fixing * Feature proposal #2604: reorganize configuration * Feature proposal #2627: implement global disabling of logos in overview, category, and groups * Feature proposal #2641: keep user data when removed from group * Bug #2653: change validation messages as they conflict with CBs * Feature proposal #2709: GJ Auto: implement join if exists or create if doesn't exist for Groups * Bug #2710: GJ Auto: created categories through auto can't have groups created in them * Feature proposal #2716: Implement configuration of parameter defaults and show/hide of parameters * Feature proposal #2717: Tabbed display of integration parameters in category and group edit * Feature proposal #2718: Implement jQuery driven calendar with time slider for Events integration * Feature proposal #2722: implement dynamic character limit counting for WYSIWIG editor usage * Feature proposal #2724: implement BBCode support for various editors * Feature proposal #2732: Implement case insensitivity when matching names in Auto integration * Bug #2735: events integration 24hr display results in fatal JS error * Feature proposal #2737: implement who did what in various integrations * Feature proposal #2738: wall reply pagination * Bug #2755: auto integration jquery not fully functional on IE * Bug #2761: J1.7 usergroups not functioning properly * Feature proposal #2784: Forum back link * Bug #2785: J1.7:Edit/Delete links show even to non-authorized users * Bug #2787: Nested groups not creating nested forums