# CB 1.8 22 February 2012 Community Builder 1.8 * Feature proposal #2757: Redirecting back to CMS protected page after CB login * Feature proposal #2903: J1.7: Limiting backend access using joomla 1.7 ACL * Bug #2960: CB 1.7.1 substitution check uses language string value instead of stored field value * Bug #2965: Calendar drop-downs not displaying arabic characters properly * Bug #2967: CB 1.7.1 Lost username request generates password reset process * Bug #2971: J2.5: Plugin access checking for usergroup and not accesslevel * Bug #2981: Tabs groups permissions logic should not be applied to super-administrators in backend * Bug #2994: Forum tab publicly viewed shows registered only category posts * Bug #3000: J2.5: CB User List access only checking one ACL group * Bug #3037: Calendar language file included with e.g. fr_FR folder different from CB-standard fr_fr folder * Bug #3038: J2.5: get_user_permission not checking full access tree * Bug #3044: allowaccess does not accept gid arrays * Bug #3045: CB Menu message drop-down empty when no PMS and mailto link set * Bug #3052: replacePrefix not working properly in some cases * Bug #3053: Displaying div-based view-type forms does not format the fields side-by-side * Feature proposal #3054: Backend XML API: Javascript IF statements on multiple valued list and checkboxes do not work * Bug #3067: BCC fails to send * Feature proposal #3070: J2.5: language filter support for CB menus and Itemid's * Bug #3080: Custom setting for "Not a valid input" cannot be translated and default string is missing in default language file * Bug #3093: CB mail sets Sender overriding host set value * Bug #3108: Duplicate titles of fields not displaying in userlist backend * Bug #3111: Advanced search (and admin search) on checkbox CB field-type not working properly * Bug #3114: Forgot login username and password same time not functional * Bug #3127: CB Mass mail: stops on invalid email addresses instead of continuing with displaying error * Bug #3128: Joomla ACL group names not translated in CB User Manager * Bug #3136: Update required profile avatar field via profile update does not give rejection error on non extention filename * Bug #3145: Backend: Avoid floating div wrappers when no toolbars to display for better printing in safari * Bug #3156: API: getField for radio and single-select field types: PHP, XML and JSON modes return array of the values instead of the value * Bug #3157: Substitutions from user object as array returns null for gids and viewaccesslevel is missing as field-name * Bug #3165: API: if advanceNoticeOfUsersNeeded() is called before getInstance and does not contain the id, getInstance returns null * Feature proposal #3166: API: CBUser::unsetUsersNotNeeded( array $userIds ) needed to clear cache * Bug #3172: CB API: if $user is reloaded from database during saveSafely() there is a fatal error on _cbTabs * Feature proposal #3179: Joomla 2.5 support * Bug #3196: Joomla core user update events not called when updating User object on activation events, blocking in Backend, approval in backend, confirmation, new password in frontend and when emailing password in backend too * Bug #3202: IE9 is displaying span elements in non-standard * Feature proposal #3205: CB should enforce HTTPS posts for registration and login if set so in login module * Bug #3206: J2.5: Author tab access level check works correctly only for system-default access levels * Feature proposal #3210: API: pagination in backend should have parameter for entries/page drop-down values * Bug #3219: J1.0/M4.6 : CB171 modules do not install on Joomla 1.0 and Mambo * Bug #3221: J1.5: CB 1.8 B2: Backend & Frontend JUser load error * Bug #3222: J2.5: Backend: User edit: Groups assigned to a user not selected * Bug #3223: Backend: Create user : Email ajax checker does not check if email is already registered * Bug #3224: Backend: Edit tab: all groups are proposed instead of hiding groups above the admin * Feature proposal #3225: J2.5: Backend: Plugins management and Edit: enforce permissions for Configuring for installation and Edit and Edit State for plugins editing * Bug #3226: Backend: Plugins Management list: custom View Access Levels are not correctly displayed * Bug #3227: Backend: Plugins Management list: custom View Access Levels are not filtered to display only available plugins for the admin's view levels * Feature proposal #3228: J2.5: Tabs: Implement VIew Access Levels (keep existing Group-based access for backwards compatibility) * Feature proposal #3229: J2.5 : Version checker and update manager * Feature proposal #3230: J2.5: Backend: Fields, Tabs and List management: enforce Edit Permission * Feature proposal #3231: J2.5: Lists: Implement VIew Access Levels (keep existing Group-based access for backwards compatibility) * Bug #3232: Backend: View lists shows also lists above the admin's level, and Edit list: all groups are proposed instead of hiding groups above the admin * Feature proposal #3235: Add type="viewaccesslevel" to CB XML params * Feature proposal #3238: J2.5: Backend: User management: enforce all Permissions as com_users does * Bug #3239: J2.5: Super User detection needs to be adjusted as multiple groups can have Super User Permissions * Feature proposal #3242: J2.5: Gracefully deprecate old setting for tabs and users-lists for group access towards View Access Levels * Bug #3245: Registration fields do not appear on registration form if tab is not set to Public * Bug #3246: J2.5: New child usergroups of parent Public can't be used in CB * Bug #3247: User list SQL error on J1.5.25 * Bug #3252: Userlist with no users possible can cause fatal error * Bug #3257: Super user can't demote an administrator * Feature proposal #3259: J2.5: Backend: Users view: Add Debug Permissions when Joomla Debug is on, and add User notes * Bug #3260: CB 1.8 RC1: Fix API bugs * Bug #3262: J1.5: itemid function not checking proper accesslevels for the CMS * Bug #3263: J1.5: Can't access public userlist as a special user (super administrator) * Bug #3265: myGroups isn't always an array and is immediately passed to cbArrayToInts * Bug #3268: Article tab does not show articles immediately after creation (UTC articles timezone issue) * Bug #3270: CB 1.8 RC: Edit button does not work in Plugin Manager * Bug #3271: [CB 18 RC] New plugin installations produce tabs without access level setting * Bug #3272: CB 1.8 RC-only: Notes icon missing its src and translation * Bug #3282: jQuery conflicts result in CB or 3rd party extension failing * Bug #3284: CB 1.8 RC2: Backend: Users management: Add Note icons appears also when adding note not allowed for ACL level (com_users not manageable or cannot create) * Bug #3289: CB 1.8 RC2: Backend: Users management: When only edit.own permission was given, user could not edit himself in backend * Bug #3290: J2.5: Frontend: Users edit allowed by super-admin and admin and super-admin only setting not working * Bug #3293: J2.5: PMS link not multi-lingual in PMS integration and in CB login module * Bug #3300: Articles not displayed to public users