# CB 1.3 29 November 2010 Community Builder 1.3 * Feature proposal #1703: Joomla 1.6 beta adaptations (not including workarounds of bugs of Joomla itself) * Bug #1846: Not an integer * Bug #1849: Backend : Small Typo in database checks 'Datbase' missing 'a' * Bug #1853: Backend : user management advanced search distorted with images fields that have sizes * Bug #1896: LTR languages: author tab LTR hardcoding in style and missing CSS for registration and forms * Bug #1897: Users list : empty ones: clicking "No users in this list" results in blank error page * Bug #1902: Small typo in language file * Bug #1903: Forbidden words are case sensitive and should be case-insensitive * Bug #1908: Dropdown fields containing >< are not saved * Bug #1909: Capital letters in email field not allowed * Bug #1922: Backend: cancel edit user applies values as advanced search to backend users-list * Bug #1925: Date Field as Age userlist-searching resets values * Bug #1927: Users Lists drop-down-switch : Switching to hotlink protected list via userlist drop down results in error * Bug #1933: Language includes with @ making impossible to properly debug * Bug #1945: Should not be given option to send email to yourself if rejected later on * Bug #1953: SQL upgrader was giving an SQL error when trying to add first index to an already exiting table * Feature proposal #1954: Improve CB libraries default file permissions * Bug #1955: CB 1.2.3 and before CBDatabase class does not support primary indexes of type text * Feature proposal #1956: CB API: Add support for named ordered arrays to CBParams * Feature proposal #1957: Add !regexp to XML IF tag operator attributes as regexp already exists but not "not match regexp" * Bug #1958: CBXML method addChildAndDescendants added in cb 1.2.3 is not working, replace it with the tested counter-part addChildWithDescendants() * Feature proposal #1959: CSS CB buttons can not use sliding doors rounding because of missing wrapper * Feature proposal #1971: installation still using media folder * Bug #1984: user management approval does not fire trigger * Bug #1995: Truncating long utf-8 tab titles for drop-down ordering not done properly * Bug #1996: carriage returns in text area when tab display as click overlib errors * Bug #1999: CB Registration fields pull to right in IE view * Bug #2000: Forgot login form for retreiveing username does not work with login type "username, email or enabled CMS authentication plugins" as only shows "lost password" * Feature proposal #2003: Generate tableless outout * Bug #2007: If 2 tabs have the same orderid, then their fields do not have up/down arrows * Bug #2008: Kunena 1.6 integration : Addslashes to forum signature * Feature proposal #2009: Improve CB SQL upgrader to batch-insert rows * Bug #2012: cb params causing RN replacement for linebreaks * Feature proposal #2013: Add validation support to CBXML, radios and checkboxes and tableless CBXML output * Bug #2020: CB 1.3 RC3 : in tableless mode Field title does not hide * Bug #2021: tab display type set to div causes tab content to extend out of tab * Bug #2022: avatar no longer centered when using div layout * Bug #2023: Kunena 1.6 : checking of forum config parameters for displaying post count for k1.6 incorrect * Bug #2024: Kunena 1.6 forum : ranks not displaying due to wrong path * Feature proposal #2030: New event prepareFieldDataNotSaved as else-case for trigger prepareFieldDataSave does not fire for readonly fields in frontend * Bug #2034: onAfterEditATab does not fire if the tab has no content, this prevents integrations from adding content (and onBeforeEditATab event missing) * Bug #2036: Backend translated strings should be htmlescaped for some languages * Bug #2037: failed installation on Joomla 1.6.x * Feature proposal #2038: PHP 5.0 minimum requirement for CB * Bug #2040: Backend: Empty labels with a white space display a lonely ':' * Feature proposal #2042: CBXML: add children and grandchildren to extend a 's attributes * Bug #2043: CB 1.3 RC3 : has install issues on hosts with restricted umask() * Bug #2045: Backend: onAfterUserApproval event only fires if user is approved (in frontend it also fires on rejection) * Feature proposal #2048: Update jquery plugins to latest: jQuery to 1.4.4, UI to 1.8.6 and From and ClueTip * Bug #2049: Double tab on new plugin installs * Bug #2052: CB User List does not SEF paging links * Feature proposal #2063: Reduce number of Javascript files for CB overlibs * Feature proposal #2065: Better text formatting translation call (P) * Feature proposal #2069: Users-lists simple filter: add Empty and Not Empty to drop-down as most CB fields now are not null anymore * Bug #2070: CB 1.1 RC4 : Delimited title not removable in tableless profiles * Bug #2076: TYPE="database_engine" depreciated * Bug #2083: tab content extending beyond tab borders * Bug #2086: missing simpleboardtab language string usage * Bug #2090: Installer does not cleanup temporary files after an upgrade method installation * Bug #2093: Paging a userlist after being searched by a date field does not function * Bug #2098: CB 1.3 RC + PHP 5.2 bug affects XML library bug in new XML manipulation function * Bug #2104: uddeIM PMS operation updates * Feature proposal #2105: Database upgrader: add possibility to specify collation in table creation