# CB 1.9 05 November 2012 Community Builder 1.9 * Feature proposal #3280: Maximum number of user to user emails as paramter or define * Bug #3302: Missing / Not working language strings * Bug #3314: After update trigger fires after registration * Bug #3315: Errors during password reset don't output * Bug #3321: escapeshellcmd blacklisted results in configuration erroring out * Bug #3341: Clicking a confirmation link results in profile update trigger firing * Feature proposal #3373: Support field substitutions in image approval notification emails * Bug #3402: Radio and select fields outputting PHP/CSV pass strings to array format function * Bug #3417: Quick Message results in error in attempt to strip bbcode * Bug #3429: Advanced search not working with Integer is not clause * Bug #3435: Forgot login AJAX username check never completes * Bug #3441: Accesslevel on tabs not bahaving properly when usergroups was once used * Bug #3446: Check all checkbox in user management not functional * Bug #3447: When no users are present in user management a fatal query error is present * Bug #3448: Date fields sometimes result in attempting to store as '' * Bug #3459: Backend: approved and confirmed are treated as mandatory fields in user edit save * Bug #3535: Registration date set by CB isn't using database now * Bug #3537: Textarea field types: Max Length isn't adding input attribute to prevent overflow * Bug #3547: Avatar validation doesn't appear to deny registration when progressing to a CBSubs purchase * Bug #3564: Date field calendar does not respect minimum or maximum year * Bug #3567: storeDatabaseValue note passing copied user object errors * Bug #3568: Forgot login sends email even if new password storage failed * Bug #3586: Kunena 2.0 forum rank image not displaying * Bug #3599: Validate in browser turns textarea into normal text input * Bug #3621: CB Menu displayed as menu bar in IE causes JS error * Bug #3625: Userlist uses CB profile Itemid when SEF is enabled instead of its own Itemid * Feature proposal #3661: Add red warning to CB config when Joomla registration is still enabled * Feature proposal #3662: Add trigger to writepagelinks function * Bug #3675: Userlists filtered to empty causes a warning * Bug #3683: J3.0: usertype no longer present in user object * Feature proposal #3690: Joomla 3.0 install and usability fixes * Feature proposal #3698: API: Add function to CBTxt to trigger CMS content bots * Feature proposal #3699: API: Improve lists search query compiler for constants and for inner joins * Bug #3700: API: J2.5+: CB User Store does not always update user accesslevels if group is changed * Feature proposal #3704: PHP 5.4 compatibility * Bug #3733: Header icons being hidden on every Joomla version * Bug #3739: Substitution includes and !includes not keeping arrays as arrays * Bug #3754: J3.0: GET emptied when SEF is enabled * Bug #3756: Kunena 1.7 moderator and admin ranks not displaying properly * Bug #3757: J3.0: Userlist paging with SEF ON broken * Bug #3761: J2.5+J3.0: Tools: Sample Data: Members List doesn't set Access Level correctly * Bug #3762: J2.5+J3.0: When user params are not displayed in fronted, they revert to default values on save * Bug #3763: Image update via profile update always fails stating wrong size of file