# CB 2.0.0 09 October 2014 Community Builder 2.0.0 * Feature proposal #1350: add ability to copy fields in Field Management * Feature proposal #1593: allow selecting default image for image fields or no image at all * Bug #1651: Potential session issues - ticket to gather input * Feature proposal #1915: DB lists management shows field title names and not also field database names * Feature proposal #2047: specify from name and address for massmailer * Feature proposal #2131: Need to add backend xml language strings to admin_langauge.php file for CB Team plugins * Feature proposal #2315: forum integration does not show category based subscriptions * Feature proposal #2318: Add file attachements to CB Mass Mailer * Feature proposal #2396: Web field nofollow/follow parameter * Feature proposal #2470: CB Notification language strings should follow recipients language not senders * Feature proposal #2756: Select time format instead of just date format * Feature proposal #2774: Datetime drop-down calendar time selection * Feature proposal #3403: Image approval not functional for image fields * Bug #3765: Language string typo * Bug #3833: Deleting a user results in invalid user object being passed to CBSubs integrations * Bug #3868: CBTxt translation of field titles not functional * Bug #3887: Curvey corners js breaks in IE8 * Bug #3894: PHP 5.4 CB xml installfiles not being found * Bug #3970: On Joomla 2.5/3.0 menu-type CB List is missing List-id and Search-mode parameter * Bug #3972: Failed registrations cause ajax username checker to return No indication * Bug #3980: Hyphens in Userlist Titles break on SEF * Bug #3986: PHP 5.4 nested tabs usage warning * Bug #3990: Moderators of Registered and their Moderator usergroup can not edit Registered users * Bug #4026: If Joomla ACL group Manager is not child of Public we get a Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXX bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 523800 bytes) in administrator/components/com_comprofiler/library/cb/cb.acl.php on line 498 * Feature proposal #4029: New CBLib Joomla library and CB Joomla plugin * Feature proposal #4030: Implement Auto-Loader (PSR-4) * Feature proposal #4031: Move and refactor AHAWOW from CBSubs to CB * Bug #4079: outputCbTemplate not adding RTL CSS file properly * Bug #4080: J3.0: Page titles in backend show html * Bug #4083: Overlib not working properly in IE10 * Feature proposal #4084: Implement plugin management plugin version checker * Feature proposal #4085: Implement CB Bootstrap as new default template * Feature proposal #4086: Review implementing plugin discovery * Bug #4097: Chrome overlib error Unexpected end of input * Bug #4098: Delimiter field descriptions are double translated * Bug #4099: Select input options not passed through CBTxt * Feature proposal #4100: Update getLangDefinition to pass strings through CBTxt if no string is defined * Bug #4101: Forum integration beginner mode social field mapping not working * Bug #4102: Name fields set as read only cause their values to be lost on frontend profile update * Bug #4105: CB does not load language files at needed locations * Feature proposal #4112: Fix HTML output of numerous pages missing template class * Feature proposal #4114: Implement parameter to allow HTML in welcome and pending emails * Feature proposal #4115: Implement parameter to enable public access to email form * Bug #4124: J3.0: cbFormatDate double offset * Bug #4128: Field creation limit due to column size limits * Bug #4142: J3.1.5: New query debugging causes errors with CBs query usage due to missing cursor clearing * Feature proposal #4165: Language define to customize date format * Feature proposal #4167: upgrade jquery to latest release and also upgrade jquery plugins * Feature proposal #4169: Upgrade CB installer to handle files folders * Feature proposal #4170: Implement tabbed registration * Feature proposal #4172: Create version checker and rss feed module * Feature proposal #4173: Add Apply button to tab edit * Feature proposal #4174: Implement parameter for image fields, name fields, etc.. to remove ALT/TITLE or customize it * Feature proposal #4176: Implement support for separate Value and Label for select fields if possible * Bug #4178: CB Login and CB Workflows using wrong Itemid for manage connections links * Feature proposal #4180: Unlock fieldtype and fieldname when editing existing fields * Feature proposal #4182: Add parameter to disable edit display on a field * Feature proposal #4183: Implement delimiter field parameter to parse content bots * Feature proposal #4188: Implement password strength jquery plugin and built in strength test for password fields * Feature proposal #4189: Implement email verify directly into email fields * Feature proposal #4190: Implement CSS LESS * Feature proposal #4196: Implement new Basic and Advanced toggle for select field values * Bug #4202: All jQuery validate usages broken * Feature proposal #4205: Implement file field as a core fieldtype * Feature proposal #4206: Implement video fieldtype as a core fieldtype * Bug #4207: Changing a fields type from 1 plugin type to another causes pluginid not to update * Feature proposal #4210: Upgrade XML params handler * Feature proposal #4211: Rewrite modules with Joomla MVC * Feature proposal #4212: Depreciate YANC core plugin * Feature proposal #4213: Implement jQuery dropdown menu plugin * Feature proposal #4214: Replace article plugin with CB Articles * Feature proposal #4215: Replace forum integration plugin with CB Forums * Feature proposal #4216: Replace blog plugin with CB Blogs * Feature proposal #4218: Change backend tab styling or fix existing usage * Feature proposal #4221: Rewrite rating field and implement as core fieldtype * Feature proposal #4223: Add ID column to field management * Bug #4232: terms and conditions output with invalid html * Bug #4234: CBTxt usage of replaceUserVars doesn't handle NULL case * Feature proposal #4235: Implement display of version in plugin edit * Feature proposal #4236: Upgrade file field to restrict direct access to file paths using htaccess * Feature proposal #4237: Implement additional triggers * Feature proposal #4246: Implement additional field search mode for userlists to specify exactly what searchable fields to show * Feature proposal #4248: Upgrade video field to output direct video formats * Feature proposal #4249: Implement Audio fieldtype * Feature proposal #4251: Implement third search mode * Feature proposal #4252: Add Apply button to userlist edit * Bug #4253: J3.0: Get Plugins and Install Plugin quick links missing from top of plugin management * Bug #4254: Language user parameter setting not saving * Feature proposal #4255: Add extra toolbar buttons to userlists * Feature proposal #4256: Add mass publish/unpublish buttons for tabs * Feature proposal #4257: Implement new Points fieldtype * Feature proposal #4262: Implement Bootstrap color variants * Feature proposal #4266: Implement time format parameter * Feature proposal #4267: Fix missing time selector for dropdown calendar usage * Feature proposal #4268: Update new popup calendar to utilize the new time format parameter * Feature proposal #4271: Fix popup calendar position to open next to the icon * Feature proposal #4272: Replace tooltip usage with jQuery tooltips or an alternative jQuery plugin * Feature proposal #4275: Replace CB Blogs menu usage with new qTip tooltip usage * Feature proposal #4278: Review div based and grid layouts for userlist displays * Feature proposal #4279: Implement alias column for userlists * Feature proposal #4281: Update CB Blogs so it can work with or without the section parameter * Feature proposal #4282: Surround pluginclass html content with CB template class div * Feature proposal #4284: Replace existing templates CSS with cut down Bootstrap template CSS * Bug #4289: Image pre-validation is not checking for extension * Feature proposal #4293: redo field, tab, and plugin edit params displays * Feature proposal #4294: Implement repeating parameter group * Feature proposal #4295: Remove old SQL files, old xml query usage, and hardcoded intaller upgrade queries * Bug #4296: Update _cbHashPassword to use Joomla functions when possible or extend with new methods * Feature proposal #4299: Redo various frontend and backend html displays * Feature proposal #4301: Update tooltip api to detect mobile browsers * Bug #4303: language.front does not load cbteamplugins language file * Bug #4304: Update status profile display to provide field titles with more space and be more responsive * Feature proposal #4305: Upgrade core plugin installer to run core plugin xmls properly * Feature proposal #4306: Implement support for two step authentication * Feature proposal #4307: J3.0: Fix toolbar button styling * Feature proposal #4308: J3.2: implement support for new parameter to shut off emails * Bug #4309: Menu items are not working properly as invalid parameters are being added * Bug #4310: Login page styling negatively affected by cb template * Bug #4321: first time login redirect always sends to home or to plugin override url instead of previous location * Bug #4322: Name fallback for username fails if name contains spaces * Feature proposal #4323: Implement needed code to plugin class to provide the information getPlugin does for incubator projects * Feature proposal #4324: Enable various plugins and features by default * Feature proposal #4327: Implement parameter to select what user params to display on frontend profile edit * Bug #4328: Login on registration missing styling * Feature proposal #4330: Implement 1 step installation * Feature proposal #4336: Update paging class with better usability * Feature proposal #4340: Implement fontawesome * Feature proposal #4341: Remove file fieldtype file icon display * Feature proposal #4342: Add upload option for video and audio fieldtypes if possible * Feature proposal #4345: Implement userlist parameters to enable disable of blocked, unapproved, unconfirmed, and banned users * Feature proposal #4346: Implement parameter to select profile layout as flat or tabbed * Feature proposal #4347: change terms and conditions into a field instead of global * Feature proposal #4348: Remove colon from field title display * Feature proposal #4349: Implement parameter to allow display override * Feature proposal #4351: Update image gallery to support thumbnails * Feature proposal #4352: Implement parameter to hide empty searches * Feature proposal #4353: Add new gallery images to stock selection * Feature proposal #4354: Implement major version check before loading a plugin to prevent compatibility issues * Feature proposal #4355: Install and configure new admin module on install of CB * Bug #4357: Login page loading modules from trash * Feature proposal #4358: Move CB Core Redirect into core system plugin * Feature proposal #4359: Implement placeholder parameter for supported fieldtypes * Feature proposal #4360: Remove redundant image upload page * Bug #4361: Image advanced searching with Is Not operator results in backwards results * Feature proposal #4362: Add new mode to the admin module * Feature proposal #4363: Implement new method to approve and reject images * Feature proposal #4364: Implement system plugin install script * Feature proposal #4366: Implement userlist parameter to disable and enable display of list selector on a list by list basis * Feature proposal #4367: Replace names with avatar display in connection path * Feature proposal #4368: Implement install scripts for core modules to auto configure * Feature proposal #4369: Implement bootstrap markup and classes * Feature proposal #4372: Remove j1.5 support from cb articles and cb blogs * Feature proposal #4379: Make datetime field available for creation * Feature proposal #4380: Replace existing timeago usage for date fields with jquery timeago * Bug #4383: Field and plugins params storing as INI string instead of JSON * Feature proposal #4384: Implement new image processing library * Bug #4389: Disabling edit display of a field also disables it in backend * Feature proposal #4394: Implement new framework function to add current active menu item metadata to the header * Feature proposal #4395: Implement location based field title display parameters * Feature proposal #4397: Extend online module with new display modes * Feature proposal #4398: Implement CB install script to generate menu items * Feature proposal #4400: Improve notifications API with substitution support * Feature proposal #4401: Get rid of global userlist config parameters * Bug #4402: Terms and conditions field missing defaults * Feature proposal #4403: Implement custom option for date fields when selecting how to display them * Feature proposal #4404: Implement userlist parameter to collapse criteria on search * Feature proposal #4407: Add parameter to supply string overrides for terms and condition fieldtype * Feature proposal #4410: Implement disabling of submit button in cb.validator on successful submit * Feature proposal #4412: Deprecate all core templates except Default * Feature proposal #4414: Username and Name field validation not working client side * Feature proposal #4417: Implement config options to toggle loading of bootstrap and fontawesome * Feature proposal #4418: Send emails in the language of the recipient user * Feature proposal #4423: Implement new frontend xml view for pluginclass * Bug #4430: Line breaks don't store and redisplay properly * Bug #4431: Posting to a params column results in every input in the POST being stored * Bug #4432: Table browser actions no longer functional * Bug #4439: CB Online modules on same page give redeclaration error * Bug #4440: XML Backend: Toolbar ignoring tablebrowse row field usage permissions * Bug #4441: XML Backend: Delete permission not checked * Bug #4442: XML Backend: Field delete has 2 delete behaviors * Bug #4445: XML Backend: Field copy does not copy field values * Bug #4447: New field display values not used in frontend * Feature proposal #4448: Update to latest jQuery * Bug #4449: Date fields don't auto select first value of each input * Feature proposal #4450: Improve button type usage * Bug #4455: TBD User advanced search missing from XML usage * Feature proposal #4456: Remove unused legacy backend code * Feature proposal #4457: Modernize default layout of user profile in front-end * Bug #4458: Fix DI uses in CBLib * Feature proposal #4459: Clean-up CBLib to replace last dependencies by DIs * Feature proposal #4460: Replace last legacy UE language uses by CBTxt * Bug #4461: popup when fieldtype is changed complaining on empty field name when creating new field * Bug #4462: Repeat usage does not work with if showhide usage * Feature proposal #4463: Implement tag usage for js and jquery file output same as css * Feature proposal #4464: Implement select2 support for list types * Bug #4466: CB Image library incorrect phpdoc for $image usage * Bug #4467: Upgrading from Beta 2 to Beta 3 caused CBLib install to fail * Bug #4468: Saving a field always resets its order * Feature proposal #4470: Implement parameter to allow content bot processing for field layouts * Feature proposal #4475: Replace cb login module icons with fontawesome * Bug #4478: CBDatabase loadObjectList() function not working correctly with more than one key * Feature proposal #4479: Improve profile SEF urls * Feature proposal #4483: Implement tab copy functionality * Feature proposal #4491: Implement layout parameters for profile edit and registration * Feature proposal #4493: Update phpmailer * Bug #4494: Field values constantly recreated on save * Feature proposal #4495: Plugins to install new library files * Feature proposal #4496: Update jQuery to 1.11.1 or latest and check jQuery UI version too * Feature proposal #4497: Tabs and Lists ACL: Remove Joomla 1.x-style groups-based ACL from tabs and lists (was already deprecated in CB 1.9) * Feature proposal #4498: Profiles view and moderation ACL modernization * Bug #4509: Filtering by columns that require joins does not function * Feature proposal #4511: CB Forums: deprecate Kunena15 and Kunena17 models * Bug #4515: Validation is ignored for tabs not actively visible * Feature proposal #4519: Modernize default layout of userlists in front-end * Bug #4522: Missing legacy support for myUserType * Bug #4523: Public group auto selected when editing a user * Bug #4527: Request connection dialog broken under Connections menu item * Feature proposal #4528: New Language / Localization architecture * Bug #4529: CBInputFilter process function not currently B/C * Bug #4530: Image (+video/audio/file?) field: Double-translation of drop-downs * Bug #4531: Missing legacy support for myCmsGid * Bug #4533: Tabs no longer active when using plugin class in the URL * Bug #4534: Upgrading from CB 1.9.1 to CB 2.0 should not break existing profiles * Bug #4535: Mass Mailer missing tooltips * Bug #4536: Login and Logout tooltips reference js popups * Bug #4537: Streaming audio broken * Feature proposal #4538: Alias moscomprofiler classes to new ones * Feature proposal #4540: Move legacy component functions to CBLib Legacy * Bug #4541: find last _UE and _CB defines and fix them * Bug #4542: "Since 2 years ago" is wrong English, needs fixed * Bug #4543: Placeholder Value parameter language improvements * Bug #4544: fix tabs menu losing nested menu during overflow * Bug #4547: Validation regression * Bug #4548: Include clear information about CB Plugins in administration * Bug #4549: cb blogs abstract class usage erroring * Bug #4550: forgot login not updating reset time and causing loss of params * Bug #4551: CB Online census and statistics display modes not showing icons * Feature proposal #4552: Improve registration styling * Feature proposal #4553: Upgrade userlist edit to XML * Bug #4554: Select2 does not function inside of Repeat usage * Bug #4555: User Management toggles don't fire triggers or emails * Bug #4556: Sample Data causing db errors * Feature proposal #4557: Implement arrow based scrolling for Tab Menu usage if the tabs end up overflowing * Bug #4558: Offline login form redirecting * Bug #4559: CB Blogs menu column visible to public users * Bug #4560: Audio/Video display has too strict styling * Bug #4562: Mass mailer can't send emails due to CBTxt usage * Feature proposal #4563: Implement separation of tools * Feature proposal #4565: allow field name change * Feature proposal #4568: Remove defines for time, calendar and titles html * Feature proposal #4569: In translations, debug mode, hovering a translated text (with Th()) shows the key that got used to translate * Bug #4570: Advanced search Select Operator parameter right cropped in safari * Bug #4571: select2 initial width not calculating * Bug #4572: Mass Mailer of User Management does send HTML doctype and html, head and body tags * Feature proposal #4573: Implement field by field Field Icons override * Bug #4574: Mass Mailer of User Management does not display mailer error in case of error * Bug #4575: Password strength doesn't calculate width of input is initially hidden * Bug #4576: J3.0 user params labels rendering as label in label * Bug #4577: Backend new user defaulting Usergroup to Super Users * Bug #4578: Deleting a user causes infinite loop * Feature proposal #4579: Keeping filters past page load * Feature proposal #4580: Migrate remaining legacy plugins * Feature proposal #4581: Remove the word file from image field options * Bug #4583: Add back to profile link to Manage Connections * Bug #4584: Frontend registration form always fails stating username already in use * Bug #4585: Tools Database Checker keeps reporting MYISAM usage * Bug #4587: Load Canvas layout tool reports on clean install * Bug #4588: Next button on steps registration not working * Bug #4589: Small CSS issue: the File-input fileld formatting is not centered correctly (in Firefox at least) * Bug #4590: Default handling of pending commections has changed * Feature proposal #4591: Login and Logout vs Log in and Log out * Bug #4593: CB Login module with Alternative Layout set to default-horizontal gives error * Bug #4595: Undefined index when uploading canvas image * Feature proposal #4596: improve image gallery styling * Bug #4597: CB 2.0 RC misalignment icon issue on second login * Bug #4598: cbPMSHandler::cbPMSHandler alias missing for UddeIM plugin * Feature proposal #4599: Improve checkGit() to not check Joomla being versioned but only CB and only if it is through an aliased folder * Feature proposal #4600: Main menu of Joomla: Extensions : Components : Community Builder (without submenus) should not give a blank screen * Bug #4601: Upgrader of useraccessgroups to viewaccesslevels makes fatal errors and seems to have an issue with empty groups * Feature proposal #4602: Implement backend table sorting * Bug #4606: Canvas photo mobile width stuck at 200px * Bug #4607: CBSubs 3.0.0 GPL basic backwards compatibility issue with cbpaidTimed::get() * Bug #4608: UserAccessGroup of -2 (Public) upgrades to a new View Access Level including only Guest group instead of Public * Bug #4609: CB 2.0 upgrade to new internal 2.0 cbblog does not delete old class file, and that makes old cbactivity fail with fatal error, detecting old blog * Bug #4610: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS bug (affects all PHP 5.5 with LFS (Large File Support)): gz open is gz open64 * Bug #4612: Upgrade to CB 2.0 RC1+ from CB 1.9.1 Quickstart PRO creates strange Joomla ACL views * Bug #4613: Select2 not respecting multi-select size attribute * Bug #4614: CB Forums: field value mapping out of date * Bug #4615: Canvas base userlist broken with new XML based lists * Feature proposal #4616: New XML userlist backend is missing tooltips * Bug #4617: Upgrade from CB 1.9.1 Quickstart PRO does not remove some legacy plugins * Bug #4618: GroupJive backend formating issues when upgrading to CB 2.0 RC1+ * Bug #4619: GroupJive Notices in various backend areas after CB 2.0 RC1+ upgrade * Bug #4620: Create new group from GroupJive backend broken with CB 2.0 RC1+ * Bug #4622: Incorrect username in password reset process gives green success message * Bug #4623: Canvas image gallery layout in uer manager layout issue * Feature proposal #4624: The right column with "Member Since", "Last Online" and "Last Updated" should not be visible on all tabs by default * Feature proposal #4625: drop-down menus for invisible tabs tips should disappear on-un-hover * Bug #4626: Installation of CB Antispam gives error * Feature proposal #4627: Lift limit of 250 CB fields per profile * Bug #4628: Remove CB plugins admin xml files from list of frontend language files * Bug #4631: Field namespace registry missing * Bug #4632: Sorting dropdown not very responsive * Bug #4633: Backend tables not responsive enough * Feature proposal #4636: Add notice to default language files to warn people not to make changes * Bug #4637: CB 2.0 RC2 backend user profile fatal error * Bug #4638: Legacy table adapter not inheriting functions * Bug #4639: Missing duplicate plugin handling in installer * Bug #4640: Duplicate groups appearing in CB User Manager if same admin user logged in from different browsers * Feature proposal #4641: Implement simple control panel to prevent empty page * Bug #4642: Mass mailer does not send emails * Bug #4644: Credits page on iphone safari is not responsive * Bug #4645: Credits page shows an empty toolbar on iphone * Bug #4646: CB Admin News Feed module title should show and be renamed * Bug #4647: CB Admin Update Feed module title should show and be renamed * Bug #4648: Plugins installing with legacy view access levels * Bug #4649: imgToolBox not autoloading * Bug #4650: cb.core.php double ] in two places * Feature proposal #4651: implement scroller support for canvas header positions * Bug #4652: Tab creation not functional * Bug #4653: Banned and Enabled toggles on User Manager has a pending state * Feature proposal #4654: implement user management batch tools * Feature proposal #4655: implement yesno button group toggle * Bug #4656: Dropdown menus don't close on click * Bug #4657: Tooltips falling off screen on mobile * Feature proposal #4658: Implement "Save as Copy" * Feature proposal #4659: Implement "Save & New" * Bug #4660: Missing pseudo banned field * Bug #4661: Plugin install plugin name duplicated and unnecessary continue link present * Bug #4662: Plugin fields losing type and name is being prefixed * Bug #4663: Pagination not responsive * Bug #4664: User sync tools missing page title * Feature proposal #4665: Remove menu item for "About CB" replacing it by "Powered by CB" * Feature proposal #4666: Implement ajax result form type * Bug #4667: Timeago losing its settings on refresh * Bug #4668: Type doubled in connections details tooltip * Feature proposal #4671: Backend menu improvements * Bug #4672: yesno button group broken on J3.x * Bug #4673: Shorthand data not joining for count queries * Bug #4674: Fatal error with GuzzleHttp * Bug #4675: Community menu not removed with upgrade * Bug #4676: Missing footer messages * Bug #4677: Upgraded CB 191 -> 20 gives save user error message * Bug #4678: Fontawesome spinner not spinning anymore * Bug #4679: CB Privacy plugin undefined index profileviewbyGID notice with CB 2.0 RC2 * Bug #4680: CBSubs GPL 3.0tablebrowser totalsbrowser missing asset name with CB 2.0 * Bug #4683: Confirmation email does not substiture language string * Bug #4684: First login redirect with default settings not taken to profile page * Bug #4687: Plugin Management publish button and publish toggle not working * Bug #4688: CBSubs GPL on CB 2.0 gives statistics missing asset name error when trying to access Payment page * Bug #4689: GroupJive language file installation on CB 2.0 does not show YES/NO publish toggle in plugin edit mode * Bug #4690: Groupjive plugin page from Groupjive admin navigation module gives notices * Bug #4691: Undefined property notices in GroupJive integrations page * Bug #4692: Plugin deletion from plugin management page does not give success message * Bug #4693: CB Auto Actions on CB 2.0 RC3 give Undefined property: stdClass::$access notices * Bug #4694: Groupjive New item buttons are missing and new item forms are open * Bug #4695: New Gateway creation in CBSubs 3.0 with CB 2.0 RC3 erros * Bug #4696: CBSubs import for ACL group fails with SQL error * Bug #4697: CBSubs subscription tab not shown and plans not on registration form or backend * Bug #4698: CBSubs missing _form_cbsubs_plans * Bug #4699: Datetime form type missing text backup * Bug #4700: Toggle success messages missing row count and task is uppercase * Bug #4701: Database _error of legacy classes not checked * Bug #4702: New user banned default value is empty * Bug #4703: Image moderation small icons for approve and reject not working * Bug #4704: Creating a new user list success message page does not have Close button * Bug #4705: CBSubs subscription tab not shown in fronend profiles * Feature proposal #4706: Admin navigation module should have second levels for GroupJive and CBSubs * Bug #4708: Groupjive on CB 2.0 integrations area shows all plugins with Unknown Access column * Bug #4709: Groupjive lightbox not working on CB 2.0 RC3 * Bug #4710: Private Message System is missing extra parameters in CB 2.0 RC3 * Bug #4711: Installation of CB plugin on CB 2.0 RC3 missing plugin parameter display in plugin edit * Bug #4712: CB Query field 3.1.1 gives upgrade link in COMMUNITY BUILDER UPDATES area * Bug #4713: CBSubs upgrade button fatal error * Bug #4714: Backend upgrade to CBSubs plan from user profile needs two tries to work on CB 2.0 * Bug #4715: Invoice popup in Baskets page opens new tab in browser instead of new smaller window * Bug #4717: CBSubs Subscription page not recording subscription data * Bug #4718: Search tool dropdown in CBSubs Tax areas vising dropdown arrow and malformed * Bug #4719: Various dropdown parameter fields in CBSubs appear malformed with Cb 2.0 * Bug #4722: Quick message broken in CB 2.0 * Bug #4723: Broken avatar display in uddeIM on CB 2.0 * Bug #4725: CBSubs integration plugin not installed or not published messages are malformed in CB 2.0 * Feature proposal #4726: CB installer Discover method now discovers also integration plugins (like those from GroupJive and CBSubs) * Bug #4727: index.html missing in images/comprofiler folder on install and upgrade * Bug #4728: News and Update administrative modules placement issues * Bug #4729: Legacy language files conflicting with legacy defines * Bug #4730: Captcha field not display * Bug #4731: Descriptions not showing for plugins * Bug #4734: php 5.3 and 5.4 access to plugins edit broken * Bug #4737: Version number of plugin is trimmed * Bug #4738: Missing translations * Bug #4739: Guzzle causing fatal error on some installs * Feature proposal #4743: implement quicksearch for userlists * Bug #4744: Popup message appears when changing Email Handling General Tab Configuration parameter to Display Email Only setting * Bug #4745: Public Email parameter lost when switching Email Handling values * Bug #4746: Missing compatibility for getBackwardsCompatibleGid * Bug #4748: Approval button from workflows link takes you to user profile page and does not approve user * Bug #4753: Tools area not picking up language files * Bug #4754: Tools Check Users database take me back to CB Panel * Bug #4755: Missing translation in CB database check results