# CB 2.0.3 20 November 2014 Community Builder 2.0.3 * Feature proposal #4813: implement support for menu param Page Class * Bug #4815: Users with no kunena rank causes a notice * Bug #4817: CB Admin module displays older versions due to lack of version_compare() and 12 hours cache * Bug #4820: Small default_language typos on acceptedterms field tooltips * Bug #4821: XmlTypeCleanQuote::sqlCleanQuote() function does not handle datamodel of type ParamsInterface correctly (affects e.g. CBSubs with CBSubs Tax province selection) * Bug #4822: Kunena personal text field not mapping * Bug #4823: Userlists dropdown missing ordering * Bug #4831: Default language spelling error for CB Blogs * Bug #4837: Existing cbteamplugins_language.php file in default_language folder breaks proper language plugin loading * Bug #4840: CB Blogs sends email notifications with user=0 in profile and approval urls * Bug #4843: Blog approval activation not working * Bug #4848: CB Blogs in Joomla storage mode shows trashed articles in backend component area * Bug #4854: CB Mass Mail seems to fail to send if message body is more than one line * Bug #4856: Cannot upload mov files to video field * Bug #4859: Video field linking broken if upload parameter disabled * Feature proposal #4867: implement support for template override.css * Bug #4870: Send email form not redirecting back to user profile * Bug #4871: Connection path not working * Bug #4874: Language string not translated when sending email to a user * Bug #4876: Confirmation resend does not support HTML