# CB 2.0.6 19 February 2015 Community Builder 2.0.6 * Bug #4793: New user list save and close gives you success message without returning to list table * Bug #4906: Make sure that the update server remains enabled in the joomla update servers table * Feature proposal #5017: CB Blogs: add default parameter for published * Bug #5018: Substitutions do not work while logged out * Bug #5026: Userlist URL building and Itemid parsing missing listid * Bug #5031: Implement shutting off Joomla cache on pages where CBs spoof check is called * Bug #5032: "Update Now" button in CB admin module goes to joomlapolis.com instead of updating. Should be renamed to "Learn more" + a new "Update now" button created there * Bug #5035: backend filter joins not functioning * Bug #5036: backend date filters do not function * Bug #5037: backend multiselect filters do not function * Bug #5038: backend list filters using index instead of value in sql * Feature proposal #5040: update fontawesome to 4.3.0 * Bug #5042: Video field fullscreen button non-functional * Feature proposal #5043: Implement parameter to turn off offset for date fields * Bug #5045: Last views not storing as UTC * Bug #5048: If tooltip title is longer than the width it causes the title to overflow * Feature proposal #5050: Implement jQuery validation rule to test file input file size * Bug #5055: Datetime picker labels should be offset * Bug #5060: Tooltip height not calculated * Feature proposal #5061: Update bootstrap to 3.3.2 * Bug #5062: Creating a new field marked as required, readonly and searchable gives: Error Failed to save Field member test because: Calculated fields cannot be searchable! * Bug #5065: Connections access denied does not inform the user to login * Bug #5067: Public Email form fails when user is logged in * Feature proposal #5068: upgrade jquery to 1.11.2 * Bug #5070: Admin file manager FTP usage error * Bug #5071: Blogs requiring approval and set to Registered are posted in published state and Public view and no notifications are sent for approval * Bug #5077: Timeago usage uses wrong offset * Feature proposal #5079: Implement permissions for individual tools * Bug #5080: Installer footer and credits footer have 2014 copyright * Feature proposal #5084: CB API: Add getting system and user timezone * Bug #5085: CBframework::now() can be slightly different from CBLib\Application::StartTime() * Bug #5086: IE: Tooltip content max-height calculation wrong * Bug #5089: Password encryption using JFactory for empty user instead of JUser * Bug #5091: step by step tabs showing clickable tabs