# 3.0.0 * Task #3261: Depreciate usergroup usage in favor of accesslevel usage * Bug #3929: Kunena not removing HTML from descriptions * Feature proposal #3935: Implement All Joined page * Feature proposal #3974: Update popovers and dropdowns to utilize jQuery * Bug #3976: Blocked users should be treated as guests for access checks * Bug #3981: Groups with large amount of users causing massive performance issues * Bug #3985: Caching on getIntegrations breaks duplicate calls with different variables * Bug #3994: Unapproved groups still allow access to integrations * Bug #3995: Approval workflow is lost if approval is turned off * Feature proposal #4067: Implement backend page to manage notifications * Bug #4077: CB toolbar item to quickly add users to groups not working on J3.0 * Feature proposal #4078: Allow forcing users into multiple groups from backend * Feature proposal #4117: Review implementing Kunena 3.0 specific model * Feature proposal #4145: Implement optional Dialog window for adding new content * Task #4148: Remove owns group or belongs to group access check for categories * Feature proposal #4159: Implement reject invite menu item * Feature proposal #4185: Implement new timepicker usage for GJ Events * Bug #4187: Forum date not calculating properly * Bug #4201: Implement usage of CBs new built in Boostrap styling * Feature proposal #4220: Expose forum integration forum id * Feature proposal #4280: Implement for searches to also search descriptions * Feature proposal #4283: Implement substitution support for the About integration * Feature proposal #4312: Implement parameter to specify resend day delay for invites * Bug #4318: Review setPageTitle usage as maybe double htmlspecialchar titles * Feature proposal #4337: Implement new cbTooltip usage and remove custom tooltip function * Feature proposal #4338: Replace all UTC date functions with internal UTC date functions * Bug #4344: New category and new group buttons showing on profile other than own * Task #4406: Remove data api usage entirely * Task #4422: Deprecate GJ Auto integration * Feature proposal #4428: Invites feature is missing an option to decline an invite * Feature proposal #4805: Implement parameter to limit the number of attendants to an event * Feature proposal #4948: Implement parameter to shut off group content auto delete * Feature proposal #5076: Replace backend with XML views * Bug #5118: Login page redirect missing return parameter * Feature proposal #5372: Wall new post and reply notifications need to be seperated * Bug #5384: Fix plugin template files so they don't have to move * Task #5387: Remove category and group nesting * Feature proposal #5388: Implement canvas support * Feature proposal #5389: Redesign overview page * Feature proposal #5390: Redesign category display * Feature proposal #5391: Redesign group display * Task #5392: Remove panel view * Task #5393: Enforce wall reply depth of 1 * Task #5394: Remove HTML based descriptions and other usages * Feature proposal #5404: Remove access for groups * Feature proposal #5405: Category creation as backend only * Feature proposal #5406: Implement support for usage without categories * Feature proposal #5445: Implement always auto hiding of tabs * Feature proposal #5448: Implement invite message * Task #5465: Rewrite about integration * Task #5466: Rewrite photos integration * Task #5467: Rewrite videos integration * Task #5468: Rewrite wall integration * Task #5469: Rewrite forum integration * Task #5470: Rewrite file integration * Task #5471: Rewrite events integration * Feature proposal #5483: Implement parsing of GJs own activity * Task #5544: Implement migration * Feature proposal #5545: Rewrite module * Feature proposal #5546: Rewrite search bot * Task #5552: Final optimization pass * Feature proposal #5556: Implement backend admin module menu items * Bug #5564: Missing GJ 2.x URL B/C * Bug #5565: Group message not sending to owners * Bug #5570: New group category check fails outside of a category * Feature proposal #5571: Implement simple category and group object cache * Bug #5572: canvas/logo upload to uncategorized fails * Bug #5579: Photo description doesn't save * Bug #5593: GJ Auto migration fails if CB Auto Actions isn't installed * Feature proposal #5598: Implement forum back link * Bug #5602: Notifications failing to send * Bug #5606: Group users can't access group forums * Bug #5607: Approval access checks not functioning properly * Bug #5618: Owner, Mod, and Admin group content requires approval * Bug #5619: Missing language strings * Feature proposal #5620: Implement integration notification title links