# CB 2.0.10 09 July 2015 Community Builder 2.0.10 * Bug #5171: Save and close of tab causes empty page * Bug #5273: Profile email not substituting in email correctly * Feature proposal #5297: Forgot login emails should use registration email mode * Bug #5301: User management enabled filter not functional * Bug #5302: AutoLoader regexp map doesn't work with folders * Bug #5307: select2 no longer works with repeat usage when a tooltip is attached * Feature proposal #5308: Remove orderby from backend URLs * Bug #5311: Date field calendar is being offset * Feature proposal #5313: IF substitution extras support * Bug #5314: Direct blog urls do not function for Joomla/K2 * Bug #5316: CB rating field and CB mail-to-user date-time fields not yet using UTC timezone * Bug #5317: CB Core date search and file modify time in non-UTC * Bug #5318: Ahawow Spoof checks being done at all posts and not only when needed (related to CBSubs bug #5315 ) * Feature proposal #5319: Library improvement: Use new Input class for whole AhaWow engine * Feature proposal #5320: Library improvement: TableInterface and Table implementing now GetterInterface and SetterInterface * Bug #5332: ArrayIterator doesn't work with implode * Bug #5333: Rating field date missing quotes * Feature proposal #5337: Implement parameter to turn off hits tracking * Bug #5340: K2 causing view to be missing from Input * Bug #5348: Missing isnull handling for not equal to userlist basic filter operator * Bug #5358: File field substituting HTML even for non-HTML substitutions * Bug #5360: Language Filter sets language too late causing CB language to be behind * Bug #5373: Substitute if anon function using this * Bug #5374: Ahawow: tablebrowser ordering by a calculated field doesn't work (e.g. by CBSubs subscriptions in CB User management)