# CB 2.0.12 02 November 2015 Community Builder 2.0.12 * Bug #5375: cbselect chokes for large options lists * Bug #5415: Login page does not load the correct module based off language * Feature proposal #5490: Implement UddeIM topurl usage for internal PM URLs * Bug #5494: Date field tooltips don't display without icon output * Bug #5500: CB Blogs doesn't set the published date * Bug #5537: Empty dates are being formatted * Bug #5538: Connection request dates not stored as UTC * Feature proposal #5540: Implement unique classes for each connection path row * Bug #5542: Changing a fields type does not change its pluginid * Bug #5554: getCfg offset is incorrect causing wrong timezone * Feature proposal #5555: Implement B/C loading of GJ menu items * Bug #5559: membersince display in connections showing time * Bug #5560: Regexp browser validation fails if backslash is present * Bug #5561: Pattern validation rule not encoded properly * Bug #5563: plugin install scripts do not function for plugins with libraries * Feature proposal #5567: implement way for optional email notification prefix * Bug #5569: User Manager default search box no longer supports email searching * Bug #5573: Terms and conditions iframe is not responsive