# CB 2.0.13 02 February 2016 Community Builder 2.0.13 * Bug #5461: Changing a users gids doesn't reset view access level cache * Feature proposal #5566: Improve modal responsiveness * Bug #5582: xml tag type missing forced select2 * Bug #5584: Initial plugin install with fields prefixes the field names * Bug #5594: Confirm link missing SEF * Bug #5604: Field REGEXP validation not allowing custom delimiters * Bug #5609: CBLib double loading plugin object for params * Bug #5610: Kunena fails to install due to CB Forums utilizing API too early * Bug #5614: Install script copying to library folder * Bug #5617: Login module caching plugin output * Bug #5632: Javascript SyntaxError: Nothing to repeat: in regexp for phone numbers validation * Bug #5641: Multiple words with spaces validation breaks user manager save buttons * Bug #5655: May abbr Date output displaying as Jun * Feature proposal #5657: improve bg-muted class * Bug #5670: Date field birthdate setting showing time * Feature proposal #5673: Implement additional kunena sidebar substitutions * Bug #5678: Correct tooltip reference for Pendng Email Body * Bug #5686: Some timezones not functioning properly * Bug #5695: Batch process not handling legacy multiselect/checkbox * Bug #5697: Integer fields validation failing on non-required with minimum * Bug #5710: CB Forums model not loading in kunena * Feature proposal #5717: PHP 7 compatibility * Bug #5727: PHP 7 adaptations causing issues * Bug #5744: Fix cb_template background inherit * Feature proposal #5745: Update CSS libraries * Feature proposal #5759: Implement support for XML dependency check