# 3.1.0 * Bug #5666: Missing integration approval notification params * Bug #5667: Missing return url for backend config menu item * Feature proposal #5668: Implement icons to indicate awaiting approval * Bug #5699: Missing tab return handling * Feature proposal #5733: Implement admin menu items for integration configuration * Bug #5748: Search criteria not category or group specific * Feature proposal #5779: Implement additional substitutions for notifications * Bug #5809: If no moderator usergroups are found notifications error * Bug #5823: Deleting a user does not delete forum moderator * Bug #5868: Searching users does not function * Feature proposal #5872: Implement support for message subject * Feature proposal #5873: Remove mediaelementjs * Feature proposal #5877: Implement support for message HTML * Feature proposal #5890: Implement URL to display the joined and owned groups * Bug #5897: GJ Events missing message guests * Bug #6001: Photos modal close icon requires double click after next nav * Feature proposal #6080: Implement user status classes * Bug #6115: Empty To invite displays partial match page * Bug #6212: Module exclude parameters do not work * Bug #6214: Moderator notifications not working if group is unpublished * Bug #6230: Youtube videos not embedding properly * Bug #6235: Events edit cancel button does not redirect * Bug #6239: Saving group logo overrides category logo * Feature proposal #6284: Implement category and group specific CSS classes * Bug #6286: Group invites will not accept for off-site users * Feature proposal #6333: Implement custom routing * Feature proposal #6343: Replace canvas and container CSS with core classes