# CB 2.1.3 27 February 2017 Community Builder 2.1.3 * Feature proposal #6458: Improve login trigger variables * Bug #6460: Adding fields using existingSytemTab usage moves the fields on install * Bug #6463: On Joomla <=3.5.x: Fatal error on upgrade or install in postflight (not preventing correct installation) * Bug #6465: Language override strings not storing raw * Bug #6470: Setting list page limit to 0 doesn't disable paging * Bug #6478: Cosmetic in SQL query: cbSqlPart::sqlReduceFormula() output correct but not ideal * Bug #6479: Improve escaping for unusual database column names * Bug #6483: Backend fieldClass response has incorrect access check * Bug #6490: SEF routing menu sometimes null * Bug #6493: XML converting field name to id doing so for empty values * Bug #6503: getStrings needs to return the original strings or the overrides instead of both * Feature proposal #6553: Improve tooltip width * Bug #6555: userProfile should ignore the user request param if no value * Bug #6587: Empty date for input calendar usage still offsets * Bug #6594: When CB redirects from Joomla user views it does not set the Itemid * Bug #6596: Nested tooltips are passed the parent tooltip params instead of defaults * Bug #6597: jquery validate out of date * Feature proposal #6618: Forbid uninstalling CB plugin and modules appart of CB Package (new Joomla 3.7 feature) * Bug #6662: User Cropping fails with very large images * Bug #6666: Two factor authentication with verify current password causes error * Bug #6677: CB Menu Request Connection does not work on mobile * Feature proposal #6682: Improve profile url language string with alias substitution * Feature proposal #6697: Implement Install From Web