# CB 2.3 13 November 2018 Community Builder 2.3 * Feature proposal #4752: implement userlist row target * Bug #6370: SEO of userlists when using list changer is invalid * Bug #6372: Client side resizing converts GIF to PNG * Bug #6373: Client side resizing ignores EXIF orientation * Feature proposal #6484: Change cbtimeago to not use title * Feature proposal #6522: Connection types input still visible even if no connection types available * Feature proposal #6560: Improve admin menu with compact mode * Feature proposal #6620: Implement parameter to disable input tooltips * Bug #6654: Userlist columns not checking field published state * Bug #6659: User params double encoded when not accessible * Bug #6660: CSS overrides loading in backend * Feature proposal #6694: Add additional backend table css classes * Bug #6782: Userlist shows paging even if users per page is unlimited * Feature proposal #6783: Implement field edit warning that tab is unpublished * Bug #6796: Backend fieldclass checking wrong permission * Feature proposal #6797: Change how userlist rows link * Bug #6842: Site Name in Page Titles does not work on CB pages * Bug #7024: Too many language overrides cause slow language plugin edit load * Bug #7066: Unicode alias fail validation * Feature proposal #7077: Implement internal model for Private Message System * Bug #7082: Install from Web: Version checker conflict between CB and CBSubs lang plugins * Feature proposal #7092: Custom HTML field missing description of special reason substitution * Bug #7097: Email icon display on userlist links to profile instead of form * Feature proposal #7117: Implement yesno fieldtype * Feature proposal #7118: Implement checkbox and radio buttons fieldtype * Bug #7137: Mass Mailer batch time not working * Bug #7194: Raw file field substitutions output with double escaped URL * Feature proposal #7202: Implement support for changing grid size based off the size of the first column * Bug #7228: Backend new user create defaulting reset password to yes * Bug #7242: Connections path missing row class * Feature proposal #7243: Implement JSON support in cbSqlQueryPart * Bug #7244: Beez3 transparent link background conflicts with step by step buttons * Feature proposal #7249: Implement age validation rule for date fields * Bug #7251: Modules missing Joomla cache params * Bug #7252: Nightly regression: preg match: No ending delimiter found in components/com_comprofiler/router.php on line 272 * Bug #7253: Site Name in Page Titles should not be applying to backend * Feature proposal #7254: Update Bootstrap 4 * Feature proposal #7261: Improve userlist searching behavior to use GET when possible * Bug #7263: CBSubs language version checking not working * Feature proposal #7264: Change plugin version checker to point to install from web if enabled * Feature proposal #7265: Default install from web to the Updates category if available * Bug #7270: Button edit style for checkbox fields wrong initial state * Feature proposal #7274: Improve menu button icon styling * Bug #7280: Userlist selector jQuery missing if profile linking disabled * Bug #7281: Checkbox fields not storing their values if initially unchecked * Bug #7290: jQuery: CB DatePicker not updating input pointer on clone * Bug #7303: If multiple select 2 usages with tooltips are next to each other both tooltips display * Bug #7304: Tooltip binding issue with ajax editing * Bug #7317: PMS plugin description out of date * Bug #7323: New PM and Quick Message not displaying for public users * Feature proposal #7325: PMS plugin needs to unpublish on update installs without uddeim * Bug #7326: Privacy consent page inaccessible due to profile edit redirect * Bug #7334: Privacy consent stuck in redirect loop with SEF * Feature proposal #7342: Improve UX of navigating to private messages * Feature proposal #7343: Implement trigger for random password function