# CB 2.4.1 05 March 2019 Community Builder 2.4.1 * Feature proposal #7364: Update Imagine to 1.2.0 * Feature proposal #7419: Implement always allowing HTML for system PMs * Bug #7420: Failed to send PM to To user error unclear * Bug #7427: Default registration value supplied to terms and conditions field causes error * Bug #7428: Language finder for default language not enforcing default language * Bug #7430: User management doing unnecessary joins * Bug #7433: PMS: multiple recipient limit accepting 0 * Bug #7434: PMS: WYSIWYG width too small * Bug #7436: User import not importing field data * Feature proposal #7437: Update jQuery Autosize * Bug #7443: File input height too small * Bug #7463: PMS: Linking to received page causes message type filter to fail * Bug #7465: New fields added on install to existing system tabs by plugins do not respect published attribute * Bug #7467: Pull CSS class still being used instead of float * Bug #7470: cbremote validation rule does not function with select, checkbox, or radio inputs * Bug #7471: ajax validation rules will not work for date fieldtypes