# 4.5.3 08 December 2021 CBSubs 4.5.3 * Bug #7658: CBSubs Emails status change conditions not matching presentaiton tab emails * Feature proposal #8568: Implement pending payment indicator * Feature proposal #8569: Stripe: implement support for setup intents * Feature proposal #8573: Add [payment_autorecurring] substitution/condition for conclution text in radio-buttons payment selection * Bug #8575: Free trial confirm order button not displaying * Bug #8584: CBSubs Fields: checkbox fields do not correctly reverse their values * Bug #8588: Several integrations payment status checks are not specific enough * Bug #8589: Attempting to pay a pending basket with offline gateway generates new baskets over and over * Feature proposal #8603: Stripe: implement optional webhook signing secret * Bug #8609: Offline: clicking the confirm link over and over spams IPNs * Bug #8644: Plans database definition missing defaults in XML * Feature proposal #8667: AcyMailing: improve API usage to latest API * Bug #8676: [J4] Saving a plan with empty price causes SQL error * Feature proposal #8688: Admin view of plans: Display number of active subscriptions in addition of total number of subcriptions * Feature proposal #8689: Javascript: Remove loading of JQuery Metadata as it is now unused in JQuery forms * Bug #8692: [J4] Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Factory::getACL() * Bug #8693: [J4] Class "JResponse" not found * Bug #8694: Joomla 4.0 in Debug-mode: User Deprecation notices of Joomla display instead of being quietly ignored * Bug #8699: [J4] payment_fee database column failing to store during notification storage * Bug #8701: Paypal Payment subscription with different first value and a limit of a single recurring payment shows a failure message at paypal.com * Bug #8702: If main settings have never been saved, the default currency code was not set in payment baskets * Feature proposal #8729: Make payment_status and payment_type translatable * Bug #8731: Plugin Family plans: Language strings are not extracted and translated * Feature proposal #8751: Add filter for multiple plans/products in administration payment baskets and payments table * Feature proposal #8756: Make filters multi-select for administration payment baskets and payments table * Bug #8757: Modernize filters for payments to look like for payment baskets * Bug #8763: Subscription imports no longer function * Bug #8790: Workaround novel PayPal.com bug: basket item name fraud check fails if name contains special characters * Bug #8793: When converting to utf8mb4_unicode_ci sometimes there is error "Duplicate entry 'DZ-ولاية قالمة' for key 'jos_comprofiler_provinces.country_province_name'" * Bug #8799: Guzzle version check incompatible with Guzzle 7