# 4.5.0 09 December 2020 * Bug #4408: iDevAffiliate doesn't allow $0 prices for commission handling * Bug #5528: iDevAffiliate wrong profile id * Feature proposal #7494: Stripe: send API version with API requests * Feature proposal #7540: Stripe: needs to support customer object updating * Feature proposal #7678: Stripe: Implement logging of failed payments * Feature proposal #7797: Stripe: test 2019-12-03 compatibility * Feature proposal #7944: Implement plans page renewal button specific language string * Feature proposal #8028: Implement display of cancel basket link on credit card form * Bug #8032: Deleting unpaid exclusive subscription in backend user edit causes currently active exclusive subscription to also delete * Bug #8035: Family Plans: On badly configured MySQL InnoDB engine, index size too large with utf8mb4 * Bug #8038: PayPal Standard fails due to deprecated params * Bug #8061: Basket skipped even if coupon is available * Feature proposal #8076: Stripe: Allow changing of payment method for existing recurring subscriptions * Bug #8078: Substitution [SUBSCRIPTION_VALIDITY_PERIOD_REMAINING] substitutes to the total period of the current subscription instead of the remaining time * Feature proposal #8079: Internationalization: Better pluralization of time-periods * Bug #8084: A menu, link or substitution link using do=addplanstobasket used by a not logged in guest was issuing 2 notices * Bug #8089: Paypal processor: On multiple IPN replays, fees get added each time to basket * Feature proposal #8095: Stripe: update API * Feature proposal #8096: Stripe: remove direct payment method charging * Bug #8099: Plans table reaching row size limits * Feature proposal #8105: Stripe: implement support for FPX payment method * Feature proposal #8106: Stripe: implement support for BECS Direct Debit * Feature proposal #8110: Implement API for gateways and baskets to output details for subscriptions * Feature proposal #8111: Stripe: implement support for BACS Direct Debit * Bug #8114: Stripe: Customer creation fails if missing address line1 * Bug #8119: Stripe: AVS country is full name and not 2 character * Bug #8121: Free lifetime plans display a state of Expired Active * Bug #8172: PayPal Pro: duplicate IPN or IPN for basket that doesn't exist logging error * Feature proposal #8210: Implement ajax application of promotions * Feature proposal #8233: Redesign basket with a more compact modern display * Feature proposal #8237: Move admin menu output from core CB to CBSubs * Feature proposal #8256: Implement substitution support for basket text * Bug #8265: QuickPay: Initial recurring payment is not paid * Feature proposal #8267: Implement iDevAffiliate coupon_code support * Feature proposal #8280: Gateway 2Checkout: Change old sandbox server to new demo mode