# 4.5.1 31 December 2020 CBSubs 4.5.1 * Bug #8282: Ogone does not render card images with all payment modes * Feature proposal #8289: Gateway Ogone: Added radios-specific presentation choice "on this site using buttons inside a single radio choice" * Bug #8292: Basket terms and conditions when configured same as registration form and in URL+modal clicking on link no effect * Feature proposal #8293: Implement CC form placeholder values * Feature proposal #8294: Implement fieldsets and legends for basket and payment containers * Bug #8295: Stripe payment intent API calling as GET instead of POST * Bug #8297: Redisplaying a basket of a logged-in user after a logout timeout could lead to an error display * Feature proposal #8301: Implement CC form display styles * Bug #8302: Gateways buttons and buttons inside radios with subsets of currencies change the basket's currency don't ask anymore for the change * Feature proposal #8303: Checkout radios: Add message of automatic basket currency change when selecting a radio that requires a currency change * Feature proposal #8315: Family Plans: implement triggers for accepting shared subscriptions * Bug #8392: Totalizer descriptions are not passed through translations * Bug #8396: Stripe: Charge and Payment Intent IPN missing subscription id handling * Bug #8397: Stripe: Dispute handling for recurring subscriptions incomplete * Feature proposal #8398: Stripe: IPN delay is no longer needed * Bug #8456: Plan URLs for non-logged in users no longer show plans * Bug #8468: Stripe: IPN handling does not verify gateway id against basket gateway id * Bug #8483: Plan conditions on CB fields are always triggered