# CB 2.6 12 May 2021 Community Builder 2.6 * Task #5940: Remove kunena version number * Feature proposal #6535: Implement checking of user language in category query * Feature proposal #6566: Rearrange password inputs when required to supply current password * Feature proposal #6674: Implement placeholder parameters for verify and current password fields * Feature proposal #8268: Improve nested tab menu UX * Bug #8355: Language finder no correctly checking plugin default language folder * Bug #8357: cbselect rebind event not working correctly in repeats * Bug #8359: Image orientation broken during client size resizing * Feature proposal #8360: Update Imagine dependency * Bug #8361: Image orientation is skipped if client side resizing is skipped * Bug #8374: Connection emails missing language switch * Feature proposal #8378: Move avatar tab description to profile edit * Bug #8379: Imagine software test sometimes throws errors * Bug #8386: CB Repeat for radios styled as buttons forcing yesno coloring * Bug #8393: Menu metadata no longer outputs * Bug #8406: setLanguage does not load language overrides * Bug #8411: Guzzle 7 removed ClientInterface::VERSION * Bug #8413: Rank title no longer translated * Bug #8414: Date field datepicker required validation wrong * Feature proposal #8415: CB Repeat: improve row counter behavior * Bug #8420: tabClass and fieldClass API being sent null instead of expected UserTable * Feature proposal #8436: Implement skipping userlist usergroup check if all usergroups are being output * Bug #8437: JSON searching is case sensitive * Feature proposal #8438: Implement support for CB Repeat to pass the number of rows to an element * Feature proposal #8449: Implement support for JSON_SEARCH * Design #8453: Simplify logic for can-Register condition without changing logic * Bug #8481: CB users lists: When "Number of entries per page" is left blank, all users are displayed, but there is a paging at bottom displayed * Feature proposal #8482: Implement multiple mobile UX improvements * Bug #8486: New responsive tab more link missing pointer cursor on some Joomla templates * Feature proposal #8487: Default disable registration canvas and footer * Bug #8488: Regression in nightly build: Use of CBPTXT instead of CBTxt * Bug #8490: New responsive canvas CSS doesn't work if canvas field is missing * Feature proposal #8491: Implement nicer modern default avatar/canvas images * Feature proposal #8492: Implement strict getter functions for table and param objects * Feature proposal #8494: Implement EOL PHP version warning * Feature proposal #8495: Update in package installer the supported PHP, MySQL and Joomla versions, and add Joomla 3.10alpha5 * Bug #8499: Duplicate language strings * Feature proposal #8501: implement modern gallery images * Bug #8502: Initials avatars 10px smaller than squared defaults * Feature proposal #8503: Implement new default canvas images * Bug #8506: Image gallery validation does not work against fullsize images * Feature proposal #8508: Update browserlist to Bootstrap 5 stable