


Task #2343 » part3.php

Die Teil-Übersetzung von joom4 - Lintzy, 03 March 2011 13:45

<? php

'Unpublish' => 'Sperren',
'Publish' => 'Freigeben',
'Name: [grp_name]' => 'Name: [grp_name]',
'Description: [grp_description]' => 'Beschreibung: [grp_description]',
'Type: [grp_type]' => 'Type: [grp_type]',
'Join' => 'Teilnehmen',
'Leave' => 'Verlassen',
'Edit' => 'Bearbeiten',
'Delete' => 'l?schen,',
'No [group] search results found.' => 'Keine Suchergebnisse in[group] gefunden.',
'There are no [groups] available.' => 'Es sind keine [groups] vorhanden.',
// 5 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/category_message.php
'Message [groups]' => 'Nachricht [groups]',
'Subject' => 'Subject',
'Input [groups] message subject.' => ' [groups] Betrifft eingeben.',
'Body' => 'Body',
'Input [groups] message body.' => ' [groups]Nachricht eingeben.',
// 13 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/category_panes.php
'Are you sure you want to unpublish this [category]?' => 'Soll diese[category] wirklich gesperrt werden ?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this [category] and all its associated [groups]?' => 'Sicher das die [category] und die damit verbundenen[groups]gel?scht werden sollen ?',
'Unpublish [category]' => 'Sperren [category]',
'Publish [category]' => 'Freigeben [category]',
'[category] Menu' => '[category] Men?',
'New [group]' => 'Neu [group]',
'Edit [category]' => 'Bearbeiten [category]',
'Delete [category]' => 'L?schen [category]',
'Back to [overview]' => 'zur?ck zu [overview]',
'[category] Information' => '[category] Information',
'Types: [cat_types]' => 'Arten: [cat_types]',
'Access: [cat_access]' => 'Zugang: [cat_access]',
'Created: [cat_date]' => 'Erstellt: [cat_date]',
// 16 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/group_edit.php
'Create [group]' => 'Erstellen [group]',
'Select publish status of [group]. Unpublished [groups] will not be visible to the public.' => 'Freigabe Status [group]ausw?hlen. Gesperrte Gruppen [groups] sind nicht ?ffentlich sichtbar.',
'Input [group] name. This is the name that will distinguish this [group] from others. Suggested to input something unique and intuitive.' => '[group] Namen eingeben. Das der Name was diese [group] von anderen unterscheided. Bitte einen einmaligen und selbsterl?renden Namen ausw?hlen.',
'Select [group] [category]. This is the [category] a [group] will belong to and decide its navigation path.' => 'Select [group] [category]. This is the [category] a [group] will belong to and decide its navigation path.',
'Input [group] description. Your [group] description should be short and to the point; describing what your [group] is all about.' => 'Input [group] description. Your [group] description should be short and to the point; describing what your [group] is all about.',
'Select [group] logo. A logo should represent the topic of your [group]; please be respectful and tasteful when selecting a logo.' => 'Select [group] logo. A logo should represent the topic of your [group]; please be respectful and tasteful when selecting a logo.',
'Type' => 'Type',
'Select [group] type. Type determines the way your [group] is joined (e.g. Invite requires new [users] to be invited to join your [group]).' => 'Select [group] type. Type determines the way your [group] is joined (e.g. Invite requires new [users] to be invited to join your [group]).',
'[group] Access' => '[group] Access',
'Select [group] access. Access determines who can effectively see your [group]. The group selected as well as those above it will have access (e.g. Registered will also be accessible to Author).' => 'Select [group] access. Access determines who can effectively see your [group]. The group selected as well as those above it will have access (e.g. Registered will also be accessible to Author).',
'Invite Access' => 'Invite Access',
'Select [group] invite access. Invite access determines what type of [users] can invite others to join your [group] (e.g. [users] signify only those a member of your [group] can invite). The [users] above the selected will also have access.' => 'Select [group] invite access. Invite access determines what type of [users] can invite others to join your [group] (e.g. [users] signify only those a member of your [group] can invite). The [users] above the selected will also have access.',
'[users] Public' => '[users] Public',
'Select if [group] [users] tab is publicly visible.' => 'Select if [group] [users] tab is publicly visible.',
'Select [group] notifications. Notifications will send a Private Message or Email based on the selected events to the [group] [owner] or its [mods] and [admins].' => 'Select [group] notifications. Notifications will send a Private Message or Email based on the selected events to the [group] [owner] or its [mods] and [admins].',
'Input [group] [owner]. [group] [owner] determines the creator of the [group] specified as User ID.' => 'Input [group] [owner]. [group] [owner] determines the creator of the [group] specified as User ID.',
// 13 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/group_invites.php
'Invite by [invite_types].' => 'Einladen durch [invite_types].',
'Expand New Invite' => 'Ausklappen neue Einladung',
'Collapse New Invite' => 'Einklappen neue Einladung',
'Invite Menu' => 'Einladungs Men?',
'User: [invite_name]' => 'Benutzer: [invite_name]',
'Email: [invite_email]' => 'Email: [invite_email]',
'Are you sure you want to delete this invite?' => 'Soll diese Einladung wirklich gel?scht werden?',
'Status: [invite_status]' => 'Status: [invite_status]',
'Invited: [invite_date]' => 'Eingeladen: [invite_date]',
'Accepted: [invite_accepted]' => 'Annehmen: [invite_accepted]',
'Resend' => 'Resend',
'No invite search results found.' => 'Keine.',
'There are no invites available.' => 'Es sind keine Einladungen vorhanden.',
// 2 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/group_invites_list.php
'Invites List' => 'Einladungsliste',
'There are no [users] available to invite.' => 'Es sind keine [users] zum einladen vorhanden.',
// 4 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/group_main.php
'Invites' => 'Einladungen',
'Please await approval to join the [group] to view its content.' => 'Bitte auf die best?tigung zum beitritt der [group] warten,um den Inhalt sehen zu k?nnen.',
'Please join the [group] to its view content.' => 'Bitte der [group] beitreten um den Inhalt sehen zu k?nnen.',
'Please login or register to view [group] content.' => 'Bitte anmelden oder registrieren um [group] Inhalt sehen zu k?nnen.',
// 3 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/group_message.php
'Message [users]' => 'Nachricht [users]',
'Input [users] message subject.' => '[users] Betreff eingeben.',
'Input [users] message body.' => 'Betrifft [users] Nachricht.',
// 10 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/group_panes.php
'Unpublish [group]' => 'Sperren [group]',
'Publish [group]' => 'Freigeben [group]',
'Join [group]' => 'Beitreten [group]',
'Leave [group]' => 'Verlassen [group]',
'Edit [group]' => 'Bearbeiten [group]',
'Delete [group]' => 'L?schen [group]',
'Back to [category]' => 'zur?ck zu [category]',
'[group] Information' => '[group] Information',
'Access: [grp_access]' => 'Zugang: [grp_access]',
'Created: [grp_date]' => 'Erstellt: [grp_date]',
// 24 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/group_users.php
'Are you sure you want to ban this [user]?' => 'Soll der Benutzer [user] wirklich gesperrt werden?',
'Are you sure you want to promote this [user] to [mod]?' => 'Soll der Benutzer [user] wirklich den Status [mod] erhalten ?',
'Are you sure you want to promote this [user] to [admin]?' => 'Soll der Benutzer[user] wirklich den Status [admin] erhalten?',
'Are you sure you want to set this [user] as Active?' => 'Soll der Benutzer [user] wirklich auf Aktiv gesetzt werden?',
'Are you sure you want to set this [user] as Inactive?' => 'Soll der Benutzer [user] wirklich auf Inaktive gesetzt werden?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this [user]?' => 'Soll der Benutzer [user] wirklich gel?scht werden?',
'Banned' => 'Banned',
'Inactive' => 'Inactive',
'Set as Inactive' => 'Set as Inactive',
'Active' => 'Active',
'Set as Active' => 'Set as Active',
'Ban' => 'Ban',
'Set as Banned' => 'Set as Banned',
'Unban' => 'Unban',
'Set as Unbanned' => 'Set as Unbanned',
'Promote' => 'Promote',
'Promote to [mod]' => 'Promote to [mod]',
'Promote to [admin]' => 'Promote to [admin]',
'Demote' => 'Demote',
'Demote to [user]' => 'Demote to [user]',
'Demote to [mod]' => 'Demote to [mod]',
'Delete [user]' => 'Delete [user]',
'No [user] search results found.' => 'Keine [user] Suchergebnisse gefunden.',
'There are no [users] available.' => 'Es sind keine [users] vorhanden.',
// 3 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/overview_main.php
'Name: [cat_name]' => 'Name: [cat_name]',
'Description: [cat_description]' => 'Beschreibung: [cat_description]',
'No [category] search results found.' => 'Keine [category] Suchergebnisse gefunden.',
// 3 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/overview_message.php
'Message [category]' => 'Nachricht [category]',
'Input [categories] message subject.' => 'Eingeben [categories] Betrifft.',
'Input [categories] message body.' => 'Eingeben [categories] Nachricht.',
// 5 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/overview_panes.php
'[overview] Menu' => '[overview] Men?',
'New [category]' => 'Neu [category]',
'Message [categories]' => 'Nachricht [categories]',
'My [panel]' => 'My [panel]',
'[overview] Information' => '[overview] Information',
// 4 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/panel_main.php
'My [categories]' => 'Meine [categories]',
'My [groups]' => 'My [groups]',
'My Invites' => 'Meine Einladungen',
'Joined [groups]' => 'Joined [groups]',
// 1 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/tab_categories.php
'This user has no [categories].' => 'Dieser Benutzer hat keine [categories].',
// 1 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/tab_groups.php
'This user has no [groups].' => 'Dieser benutzer hat keine [groups].',
// 1 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/tab_invites.php
'This user has no invites.' => 'Dieser Benutzer hat keine Einladungen.',
// 1 language strings from file plug_cbgroupjive/templates/default/tab_joined.php
'This user has not joined any [groups].' => 'Diser Benutzer ist kein Mitglied einer [groups].',
'Kunena 1.6' => 'Kunena 1.6',
'Kunena 2.0' => 'Kunena 2.0',
'Kunena 1.5' => 'Kunena 1.5',
'Fireboard' => 'Fireboard',
'None' => 'None',
'Forums' => 'Foren',
'User' => 'User',
'Subject' => 'Betrifft',
'Date' => 'Date',
'Guest' => 'Guest',
'Posted' => 'Ver?ffentlicht',
'Modified' => 'Ge?ndert',
'No forum search results found.' => 'Keine Forum Suchergebnisse gefunden.',
'This [group] has no posts.' => 'Diese [group] hat keine Eintr?ge.',
'This [category] has no posts.' => 'Diese [category] hat keine Eintr?ge.',
'[category] Forum' => '[category] Forum',
'[group] Forum' => '[group] Forum',
'category' => 'Kategorie',
'group' => 'group',
'Enable' => 'Freigeben',
'Disable' => 'Sperren',
'Forum Integration' => 'Forum Integration',
'Forum' => 'Forum',
'Select usage of [location] forums.' => 'Select usage of [location] forums.',
'Public' => 'Public',
'Select if [location] forums tab is publicly visible.' => 'Ausw?hlen ob [location] Forenreiter ?ffentlich sichtbar sein soll.',
'Configuration' => 'Configuration',
':: Forum :: No supported forum extension found - [config_url]' => ':: Forum :: Keine passende Forenerweiterung gefunden - [config_url]',
':: Category :: Missing forum id - [cat_url]' => ':: Category :: fehlende Foren id - [cat_url]',
':: Category :: Forum does not exist - [cat_url]' => ':: Category :: Forum existiert nicht - [cat_url]',
':: Group :: Missing forum id - [grp_url]' => ':: Group :: fehlende Foren id - [grp_url]',
':: Group :: Forum does not exist - [grp_url]' => ':: Group :: Forum existiert nicht - [grp_url]',
':: Forum :: Missing forum category - [config_url]' => ':: Forum :: Fehlende Forum Kategorie - [config_url]',