Feature proposal #1267
closedDifferent subcateogries in Kunena for each Group Category
Currently, having many groups forums is a mess, all been created in the same kunena category.
If group categories exisits, they should exist in forum too, perfect way would be subacategories to be autocreated in assigned kunena category for each new category in Groupjive.
Easy way would be, as categories are backend created, add a field to specify kunena category, and create the subcategory in kunena backend
Updated by krileon about 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Create forum categories on creation of group category in the same manner group froums are created upon group creation... very good idea.. will be considered for new groupjive.
Updated by krileon almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
- Assignee set to krileon
- Target version set to 2.0 RC1
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
GroupJive 2.0 Kunena integration will feature Category forums AND Group forums. Group forums will be sub-forums of category forums. Example as follows. Implemented and in in-house testing for GJ 2.0. Potentially awaiting Kunena 1.6 (and thus requiring Kunena 1.6) API.
Group Boards
-Category 001
--Group 001
--Group 002
--Group 002