Bug #1374
closedNew group creation does not include moderator as member
Start date:
14 January 2010
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
I am running GJ 1.8B5 in combination with CB 1.2.1. I create a new group in the back-end (creation on front-end is not allowed) and assign a group owner. When the new group is viewed on the front-end, the number of members is shown as "0".
When the group moderator logs in (front-end), the moderator functions appear as normal. The moderator can edit the group settings. The moderator is given the text boxes to add a new bulletin. However, when saving, the message appears that they must be a member of the group in order to post a bulletin.
If the moderator clicks to join the group, they can then post a bulletin.
I did not have this behavior under 1.8B4.
Updated by krileon about 15 years ago
- Target version set to 1.8 RC
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Result of a query error, resolved in next release.