Bug #1604
closedTwitter with captcha on fails and then goes to a bad twitter token page
Start date:
15 March 2010
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
0:30 h
On test2 website I have latest twitter (with Beats latest commits) and captcha plugin enabled on login.
I do not complete the captcha field and click on t-signin.
Get the error you see in attached image.
If I click ok on the js popup then I am redirected to a
Woah there!
This page is no longer valid. It looks like someone already used the token information you provided. Please return to the site that sent you to this page and try again … it was probably an honest mistake.
twitter page
Updated by beat almost 15 years ago
- Project changed from Twitter CB plugin to Captcha CB Plugin
Updated by beat almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee changed from krileon to beat
- Target version set to CB 1.2.2
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Estimated time set to 0:30 h
r961 fixes that