Bug #3717
closedCBSubs fails if conditionals present on registration
If any sort of field conditional is present at time of registration it results in CBSubs failing. This appears to be due to user object being altered at some point and CBSubs is receiving a blank user.
Updated by krileon over 12 years ago
This is occurring in the fieldsFetch function of tab.cbconditional.php. Once the trigger to utilize it is commented out the issue resolves. Perhaps is due to field value reset.
Updated by krileon over 12 years ago
It's due to bindThisUserFromDbArray on the cbUser object. This needs to be reset to previous or be carefully set.
Updated by krileon over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Had to re-implement a usage from 1.8.9 for handling of POST data when checking for field values. Generalized function created to now handle this, confirmed working.