Issue #3959
opendutch.php _UE_REG_COMPLETE_CONF not translated
In file dutch.php is
DEFINE('_UE_REG_COMPLETE_CONF','<div class="componentheading">Registration Complete!</div>'
.'<p>An email with further instructions on how to complete your registration has been sent to the email address you provided.</p>'
.'<p>Please check your email (including your spambox) to complete your registration.</p>'
.'<p>To have the email sent again, simply try logging in with the username and password of your registration.</p>');
It is not translated. Old version used to be:
DEFINE('_UE_REG_COMPLETE_CONF','<div class="componentheading">Registratie Voltooid!</div>'
.'<p>Een e-mailbericht met verdere instructies voor het voltooien van de registratie is verstuurd naar het door u '
.'opgegeven e-mailadres. Controleer deze e-mail om de registratie te voltooien. Let op: eventuele spamfilters kunnen dit bericht tegenhouden.'
Updated by basd about 10 years ago
Fixed in Transifex,
Soon wil be update on forge
Updated by basd about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Alles is verwerkt in pakket maar moet na gelopen worden in transifex zodra de bug met resourcefiles zijn gefixed of dat we over zijn naar cb 2.0 resourcefiles
Updated by basd about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from CB Language for CB 1.2.3 to CB Language for CB 1.9