Issue #3959
opendutch.php _UE_REG_COMPLETE_CONF not translated
In file dutch.php is
DEFINE('_UE_REG_COMPLETE_CONF','<div class="componentheading">Registration Complete!</div>'
.'<p>An email with further instructions on how to complete your registration has been sent to the email address you provided.</p>'
.'<p>Please check your email (including your spambox) to complete your registration.</p>'
.'<p>To have the email sent again, simply try logging in with the username and password of your registration.</p>');
It is not translated. Old version used to be:
DEFINE('_UE_REG_COMPLETE_CONF','<div class="componentheading">Registratie Voltooid!</div>'
.'<p>Een e-mailbericht met verdere instructies voor het voltooien van de registratie is verstuurd naar het door u '
.'opgegeven e-mailadres. Controleer deze e-mail om de registratie te voltooien. Let op: eventuele spamfilters kunnen dit bericht tegenhouden.'