Feature proposal #4969
closedImplement block user
Implement feature to block a specific user from accessing your profile. This should just extend the profile privacy check with this functionality.
Updated by krileon almost 8 years ago
This will likely just need to be a new fieldtype specifically for blocking users from viewing your profile, but that functionality won't really extend to anything else.
Updated by krileon almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 5.0.0 to 6.0.0
Moving to 5.1.0 as storage requirements need to be designed. A new database table would be best with 1 row per block as id | user_id | block. Additionally needs to act on CB Activity query trigger so if a user is blocked by someone they won't see their activity.
Updated by krileon almost 8 years ago
Implement block by username and email address in addition to user id. This further solidifies needing a custom database table.
Updated by krileon about 6 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Block is always done by user_id. Username/Email Address will translate to user_id. Blocking will override any privacy controls. So if something is set to Public it won't matter as it will be treated as private when a blocked user attempts to view it. Profile Access, Email Form, and PM Form all have enforced privacy when a blocked user tries to access either (they will be denied access).
Updated by krileon about 6 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100