Feature proposal #6213
closedImplement additional assets
connections = display the gallery owner and his connections media only
connectionsonly = display the gallery owners connections media only
self = sets asset to the viewing user
self.connections = same as connections, but with gallery owner changed to viewer
self.connectionsonly = same as connectionsonly, but with gallery owner changed to viewer
displayed = sets the asset to the displayed user
displayed.connections = same as connections, but with gallery owner changed to displayed
displayed.connectionsonly = same as connectionsonly, but with gallery owner changed to displayed
user = sets the asset to the displayed user if available otherwise fallback to self
user.connections = same as connections, but with gallery owner changed to displayed or viewer
user.connectionsonly = same as connectionsonly, but with gallery owner changed to displayed or viewer
These should all be handled directly in the _constructor with query additions for connections/connections only. This means they'd translate as follows in constructor.
connections = profile.42.connections
connectionsonly = profile.42.connectionsonly
The below assumes we're viewing the user with id of 68 and logged in with id of 42.
self = profile.42
displayed = profile.68
user = profile.68
Updated by krileon over 8 years ago
Combine displayed and user as just displayed. A gallery can't function without an asset and adding checks all over the place for this condition isn't acceptable.
Updated by krileon over 8 years ago
n/m user and displayed can work as originally noted. Just needs to set user to guest to hide the results as needed.
Updated by krileon over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
All implemented as shown above.