Feature proposal #6859
closedImplement multiple asset support for Follow API
Implement support for following multiple assets at once. This probably should just store the comma list of followed assets. So for example: "groupjive.group.10,groupjive.group.10.%". As for the library API it should work same as activity by having an ->assets() function and handling the array internally as normally.
Updated by krileon over 7 years ago
Probably should do the same for Like functionality. Basically get rid of ->asset() entirely for follow/like api and replace with just ->assets() and handle the array usage throughout so multiple assets can be followed/liked at once.
Updated by krileon over 7 years ago
Only the primary asset of the following stream will be used to determine if the user has followed the stream or not. The assets are simply handled silently when following/unfollowing a stream.
Updated by krileon over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100