Feature proposal #6940
closedImplement action execution on all connections of a user
Currently there's not a possibility to send a notification to users connections. There needs to be a functionality to loop through a users connections. This ideally should be extendable so CB Activity for example could add an option to notify everyone following the user (or maybe even everyone they are following, etc..).
Updated by krileon about 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Implement execution on all connections of a user to Implement action execution on all connections of a user
Updated by krileon about 7 years ago
Implement a new Users parameter option for Custom. This will allow supplying your own PHP for generating a user or list of users to execute the action on. This can then be used for any number of usecases and isn't specific to connections usage.
Updated by krileon about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
3 new User options have been implemented as follows.
Connections - Execute on all connections of the automatically parsed user
Moderators - Execute on all moderators
Custom - Supply your own PHP to return a user or list of users to execute on