Feature proposal #7927
openCB Activity: Implement complete parameter overriding and gallery separation
Currently the CB Activity stream gallery uploads are just profile gallery uploads. Completely separate this in to a completely different gallery (will need to migrate existing entries). This means these uploads will no longer be tied to the profile gallery. They can be moved out of the Uploads album as well once migrated to the new gallery. This will allow these uploads to have their own parameter behavior separate from that of profile.
Updated by krileon almost 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.5.0 to 4.0.0
Updated by krileon over 3 years ago
Basically do the same as new private message galleries and have them in isolated inaccessible galleries outside of their predefined displays. User can access their own and moderators can as well, but beyond that they should only be accessible from their activity.
Current Asset: profile.USER_ID.uploads
New Asset: activity.ACTIVITY_ID
This will attach them to the activity object just like PM galleries are attached to their PMs.