Feature proposal #8383
closedImplement supporting additional image types
Currently only jpg, png, and gif image types are allowed to be treated as a Photo. Implement support for webp, svg, etc.. but default disable those via a parameter to select which are allowed. Default allowed will be same as current allowed.
Updated by krileon about 4 years ago
Needs to also support converting .heic to .png. Note this won't be possible browser side so client side resizing cannot be used for this.
Updated by krileon almost 4 years ago
Add support for webp.
Add support for heic to png.
For SVG this will still only be supported as a File type, but will review displaying it as a photo.
With this approach there won't be any need for new parameters.
Updated by krileon almost 4 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
webp support implemented if using php >= 5.4.
heic may not be possible. It was only supported in GD just this month and not available in the PHP extension right now. It's supported in some versions of ImageMagik, but not widely adopted enough yet (needs testing).
Updated by krileon almost 4 years ago
- % Done changed from 40 to 80
Our Imagine library does not yet support HEIC of AVIF. See https://github.com/avalanche123/Imagine/pull/759
Client side AVIF might be possible for some browsers, but would need to force client side to convert it to JPG or PNG. So partial support maybe allowed.
WEBP is fully supported server and client side.
Updated by krileon almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
AVIF supported client side only. Will convert to PNG if the browser supports it. If browser does not support it then it will fail.
WEVP supported server side if on PHP >= 7.3 (set by Imagine). Also supported client side IF the browser supports it otherwise will fail.
HEIC will continue to not be supported at this time as there isn't a reliable way to convert it to PNG server side or client side (current Imagine library does not support it, but latest Imagik does).