


Wiki > Sommaire > Plugins Professional Member

CB Antispam

'Yes' => 'Oui',
'No'  => 'Non',
'Unknown'     => 'Inconnu',
'text'        => 'texte',
'Plugin'      => 'Plugin',
'Project'     => 'Projet',
'Access'      => 'Accès',
'Published'   => 'Publié',
'Version'     => 'Version',
'Created'     => 'Créé',
'Description' => 'Description',
'Author'      => 'Auteur',
'Copyright'   => 'Copyright',
'License'     => 'Licence',
'Block'       => 'Bloquer',
'Value'       => 'Valeur',
'Type'        => 'Type',
'Date'        => 'Date',
'Duration'    => 'Durée',
'Expire'      => 'Expirer',
'Blocked'     => 'Bloqué',
'ID'          => 'ID',
'Forever' => '',
'No block search results found.' => '',
'There currently are no blocks.' => '',
'Batch Process' => 'Traiterment en cours',
'Time'          => 'Heure',
'Reason'        => 'Raison',
'Process'       => 'Processus',
'Reset'         => 'Réinitialiser',
'Block: <small>Edit [[id]]</small>' => '',
'Block: <small>New</small>'         => '',
'Input the strtotime relative date (e.g. +1 Day). This duration will be added to the datetime specified above. See [datetime_formats] for format details. Leave blank for a forever duration.' => '',
'Optionally input block reason. If left blank will default to spam.' => '',
'Log' => 'Log',  => 'Log',
'User'           => 'Utilisateur',
'IP'             => 'IP',
'Blocks'         => 'Bloqués',
'Logs'           => 'Logs',
'Count'          => '',
'No log search results found.'  => '',
'There currently are no logs.'  => '',
'Attempts'  => 'Tentatives',
'No attempts search results found.'  => '',
'There currently are no attempts.'   => '',
'Configuration'        => '',
'General' => '',
'Template' => '',
'Class' => '',
'Tooltips' => '',
'24 Hour Calendar' => '',
'cURL IPV4' => '',
'Menu' => '',
'Block User' => '',
'Block IP Address' => '',
'Block Email Address' => '',
'Block Email Domain' => '',
'Tab' => '',
'General' => '',
'Display'  => '',
'Buttons'  => '',
'Paging'  => '',
'Page Limit'  => '',
'Login'  => '',
'Redirect URL'  => '',
'Redirect Message' => '',
'Redirect Type'  => '',
'Duplicates'  => '',
'Enable or disable blocking of duplicate logins. This checks if the number of active sessions for an account surpass a specified limit.'  => '',
'Active Logins'  => '',
'Block Method'  => '',
'Select how blocking of duplicate logins should be handled. Logging out the current session will ensure an account can only be logged in by 1 user at any given time causing the duplicate attempt to login 'Block Duration' => '',
'Block Reason' => '',
'Optionally input reason for block. If left blank will default to spam.' => '',
'Sharing' ) ), 'antispamLoginSharing' )
'Block' => '',
'Share Limit' => '',
'Input maximum allowed unique IP Addresses used to access an account. If left blank will default to 10.' => '',
'Share Timeframe' => '',
'Block Method' => '',
'Select how blocking of shared logins should be handled. Blocking IP Address will block the IP Address attempting the shared login. Blocking User will block the entire users account regardless of IP Address. Deny Login will block the login, but not block the IP Address or the User.'  => '',
'Block Duration' => '',
'Block Reason' => '',
'Optionally input reason for block. If left blank will default to spam.' ) => '',
'Auto Block'  => '',
'Enable or disable blocking of IP Address after a number of failed login attempts.' => '',
'Attempts Limit' => '',
'Input number of failed login attempts before blocking the IP Address. If left blank will default to 5.' => '',
'Attempts Timeframe' => '',
'Optionally input reason for block. If left blank will default to spam.' => '',
'Registration'  => '',
'Redirect URL' => '',
'Input a URL to redirect the user to if registration is blocked. If left blank by default will redirect to index.php.' => '',
'Redirect Message' => '',
'Optionally input a message to include with the redirect.' => '',
'Redirect Type' => '',
'Optionally input redirect message type (e.g. message, error, warning, alert, etc..). Only used if Redirect Message is used. Determines the style of the Redirect Message.' => '',
'Duplicates'  => '',
'Enable or disable blocking of duplicate registrations. This checks if the number of accounts for the IP Address surpass a specified limit.' => '',
'Account Limit' => '',
'Input maximum allowed accounts for an IP Address. If left blank will default to 1.' => '',
'Select how blocking of duplicate registrations should be handled. Blocking IP Address will block the IP Address attempting the duplicate registration. Deny Registration will block the registration, but not block the IP Address.'  => '',
'Optionally input reason for block. If left blank will default to spam.'  => '',
'Input number of failed registration attempts before blocking the IP Address. If left blank will default to 5.' => '',
'Optionally input duration to block the IP Address after reaching number of failed registration attempts. Leave blank for forever. See [datetime_formats] for format details.'  => '',
'Optionally input reason for block. If left blank will default to spam.'  => '',
'Cleanup'  => '',
'Prune All'  => '',
'Your site unique URL that can be used in CRON or directly accessed to prune expired blocks, old log entries, and old attempts entries.'  => '',
'Block Prune' => '',
'Your site unique URL that can be used in CRON or directly accessed to prune expired blocks.' => '',
'Log Prune' => '',
'Your site unique URL that can be used in CRON or directly accessed to prune old log entries.' => '',
'Log Prune Duration' => '',
'Select how long to keep log entries.' => '',
'Attempts Prune' => '',
'Your site unique URL that can be used in CRON or directly accessed to prune old attempts entries.' => '',
'Attempts Prune Duration' => '',
'Select how long to keep attempts entries. Attempts for an IP Address are removed when the IP Address successfully logs in or registers.'  => '',
'Captcha'  => '',
'Mode' => '',
'Select the type of captcha to use.' => '',
'Honeypot' => '',
'Enable or disable usage of hidden honeypot input. This input is not displayed, but if completed will fail validation. This is useful to stop spam bots auto-filling forms.' => '',
'Honeypot Name' => '',
'Optionally input honeypot input name. Only change if conflits with an input used in your forms.' => '',
'Legacy'  => '',
'Forgot Login' => '',
'Enable or disable captcha on Forgot Login page.' => '',
'Forgot Login Mode' => '',
'Optionally override General captcha mode for Forgot Login page.' => '',
'Email Form' => '',
'Enable or disable captcha on Email Form page.' => '',
'Email Form Mode' => '',
'Optionally override General captcha mode for Email Form page.' => '',
'Enable or disable captcha on Login modules.' => '',
'Login Mode' => '',
'Optionally override General captcha mode on Login modules.' => '',
'Modes'  => '',
'Internal'  => '',
'Audio' => 'Audio',
'Enable or disable usage of audio button.' => '',
'Refresh' => '',
'Enable or disable usage of refresh button.' => '',
'Image Height' => '',
'Input captcha image hight. If left blank will default to 40. Width and Font Size will scale based off height.' => '',
'Image Color Range' => '',
'Input captcha image color range for all colors. This will add a negative and positive range to all color values to provide further randomization. If left blank will default to 2. Set to 0 for no range.' 'Image Background Color' => '',
'Input captcha image comma separated background color. If left blank will default to 255,255,255.' => '',
'Image Text Color' => '',
'Input captcha image comma separated text color. If left blank will default to 20,40,100.' => '',
'Image Background Noise' => '',
'Enable or disable usage of random background noise on captcha images.' => '',
'Image Background Noise Color' => '',
'Input captcha image comma separated background noise color. If left blank will default to 100,120,180.' => '',
'Image Foreground Noise'  => '',
'Enable or disable usage of random foreground noise on captcha images.'  => '',
'Image Foreground Noise Color' => '',
'Input captcha image comma separated foreground noise color. If left blank will default to 100,120,180.'  => '',
'Image Font Type'  => '',
'Select captcha image font type.'  => '',
'Character Rotation'  => '',
'Input captcha image character rotation range. This will add a negative and positive rotation range per character. Set to 0 for no ration.'  => '',
'Character Offset'  => '',
'Input captcha image character offset range. This will add a negative and positive offset range per character. Set to 0 for no offset'  => '',
'Input Size'  => '',
'Input captcha input size. If left blank will default to 20.'  => '',
'Code' => '',
'Length'  => '',
'Input captcha code length. If left blank will default to 6.'  => '',
'Characters'  => '',
'Input captcha code characters. If left blank will default to abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.'  => '',
'Question'   => 'Question',
'Questions'  => 'Questions',
'Input captcha questions separated by a linebreak and separated from its answer by an equal sign (e.g. What is 2+2?=4). Note answers are not case sensitive. Question and answer translations supported.'  => '',
'reCaptcha'                               => 'reCaptcha',
'Public Key'                              => '',
'Input your reCaptcha public key.'        => '',
'Private Key'                             => '',
'Input your reCaptcha private key.'       => '',
'Theme'                                   => '',
'Select the reCaptcha theme to use.'      => '',
-Language'                      => '',
'Select the reCaptcha language to use.'   => '',
'Tools'                         => '',
'Errors'                        => '',    
'Warnings'                  => '',
'Info'                          => '',

) ) ;