Feature proposal #4156
Implement Ajax based integration form posting
Added by krileon over 11 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
Start date:
08 August 2013
Instead of doing a page reload implement Ajax form submitting of integration content. Using jQuery add the newly submitted content directly to the display as newest entry (it'll handle re-ordering on next page load, which is ok).
Maybe also implement for new category and new group as well as edit pages. This can be done by dynamically loading in the edit pages forms as a jQuery dialog. Example as follows.
$( '#dialog' ).load( 'URL_HERE' ).dialog( 'open' );
Simply add a class to the Edit URL for example and hook into the click event for the "a" element. Then disable default behavior and call the above on the URL with raw display added to it (this way it'll still work normally if jquery fails).
This should just be a part of the Dialog display and only used when is enabled.
- Status changed from Assigned to Rejected
For now continue normal behavior. Revisit this with rewrite after CB 2.0.
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