Bug #5382
closedAdmin User management advanced filtering with email and formatted name errors
Error message is:
Unknown column '' in 'where clause' SQL =
SELEC_T COUNT FROM `jos_comprofiler` AS a INNER JOIN `jos_users` AS b ON b.`id` = a.`id` LEFT JOIN `jos_session` AS c ON c.`client_id` in (0,1) AND c.`userid` = a.`id` LEFT JOIN `jos_user_usergroup_map` AS d ON d.`user_id` = a.`id` WHERE ( a.`email` LIKE '%test%' ) AND ( a.`formatname` LIKE '%9%' )
Updated by beat over 9 years ago
- Assignee set to beat
Actually, bug reason is found by the analysis is that for repeat fields, there is only one SQL table supported:
In tablebrowser.php line 933:
$rows[$name]['valuefield'][] = isset( $selObj->index ) ? $selObj->index : $selObj->value;
$rows[$name]['table'] = $selObj->table;
$rows[$name]['table_key'] = $selObj->table_key;
fields, operators and values are arrays, but not tables.
Updated by beat over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Fixed in MR !941
(There were 2 issues: The above and fact that non-stored CB fields were even proposed for filtering).