Feature proposal #6208
closedImplement additional group types
Closed = Visible (all content, like Open), but has no join permissions
Rename Invite to Private.
Change Approval content to be hidden until the join request has been approved, but the group is still visible like it always has been.
Updated by krileon over 7 years ago
Implement a new "Page" type. Basically it removes the user management aspects of a group. Only the owner will be permitted to add new content with the exception being the Wall and Forum usages becoming public access.
Updated by krileon over 7 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Since Invite is being renamed to Private implement a new Invite type that hides content, but the group is visible in lists. Only way to join is with an invite.
Updated by krileon almost 4 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.0 to 3.5.0
Updated by krileon almost 4 years ago
Currently the following will be the available types and their content visibility.
Open = Group and Content Visible
Approval = Group and Content Visible
Private = Not Visible
Invite = Group and Content Visible
Page = Group and Content Visible
There however have been requests for the following.
Approval = Group Visible
Invite = Group Visible
Basically the group is visible, but until joining the content is not.
Updated by krileon almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 30 to 100
Implemented as follows and as described above.
Open = Group and Content Visible
Approval = Group and Content Visible
Private = Not Visible
Invite = Group and Content Visible
Page = Group and Content Visible