Feature proposal #6354
openRewrite how template files are included
Currently it uses a Class > Function usage. The problem with this is if you include it more than once it errors. This means you can't have per-community template usage. Instead the template function should return a URL path that can then be output via a require call. This is in short how Joomla layouts function.
See CB Core Fields Ajax for first implementation of this new template usage.
Note at same time this is implemented add support for per-stream template selection instead of it strictly being globally based.
Updated by krileon over 5 years ago
- Precedes Feature proposal #7710: Implement a core template for embedded output added
Updated by krileon about 2 months ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.0 to 3.0.0
Updated by krileon 5 days ago
- Precedes deleted (Feature proposal #7710: Implement a core template for embedded output)