Feature proposal #7710
closedImplement a core template for embedded output
Start date:
20 December 2016
Due date:
20 December 2016
% Done:
Estimated time:
This should show 1 fullsize image with a scroller for thumbnails for the rest of the images on the page. Clicking a thumbnail should display the fullsize at the top. Clicking the fullsize should open the modal window.
Updated by krileon over 5 years ago
- Due date set to 20 December 2016
- Start date changed from 11 September 2019 to 20 December 2016
- Follows Feature proposal #6354: Rewrite how template files are included added
Updated by krileon about 2 months ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.0 to 3.0.0
Updated by krileon 5 days ago
- Follows deleted (Feature proposal #6354: Rewrite how template files are included)