Feature proposal #6908
closedImplement additional content plugin usages
Implement substitution usages for linking to an album, media, gallery, new items, etc.. pages. Since these links are generated with unique ids there needs to be a means of linking to them inline cleanly.
Updated by krileon about 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 70
New usages as follows:
[cbgallery:url /] or [cbgallery:url view="gallery" /]
[cbgallery:url item="42" /] or [cbgallery:url view="item" item="42" /]
[cbgallery:url folder="42" /] or [cbgallery:url view="folder" folder="42" /]
[cbgallery:url view="new" /] or [cbgallery:url view="new" folder="42" /]
Implement additional usages for just outputting an inline media entry. Either fullsize or preview. This is separate from the modal window usage.
Updated by krileon about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 70 to 100
New usages as follows:
[cbgallery:item item="42" /] or [cbgallery:item id="42" /]
This will take the supplied media id an embed it directly in the content (e.g. output image, video, etc..).