Bug #7371
closedCBSubs Promotions: overriding plan display when applying a promotion to recurring payments only causes fatal errror
If a always applied promotion that is configured to only apply to recurring payments has "Override plans display" set to "Yes" it will throw the following error anywhere a qualifying plan is loaded (e.g. on profile).
Call to a member function isAnyAutoRecurringPossibleWithThisBasket() on null
Updated by krileon about 6 years ago
Appears to be due to checkPromotionApplicable usage in getPromotionsApplicableForPlan of /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/plugin/cbsubspromotion/cbsubs.promotion.php as $paymentBasket is being set to null (since one doesn't exist here). Quick fix is probably to not use null but just set an empty basket as all the function calls are expecting a basket object.
Updated by beat almost 5 years ago
- Project changed from 2 to CB Paid Subscriptions
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Fixed in MR !195 with commit 5c7e7e310ce27d6fc02f6737496972edccc94874
Updated by beat almost 5 years ago
- Target version changed from CbSubs 4.4.1 to 4.4.0