Feature proposal #7625
closedStripe: implement support for payment source/method reuse
Start date:
15 July 2019
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Currently on subsequent manual payments if you use the same card it'll add that card to the customer object again and mark it default. It doesn't need to be doing this. Instead we need to be keeping track of payment methods better and compare their finger prints so we don't constantly add duplicate cards to a customers object. While this causes zero issues it does clutter up the management of the customer object at Stripe. This should be entirely doable in getStripeCustomer when a source is sent with the object.
Updated by beat over 4 years ago
- Related to Feature proposal #8076: Stripe: Allow changing of payment method for existing recurring subscriptions added
Updated by krileon about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Rejected
- Target version deleted (
4.6.2) - % Done changed from 0 to 100
If using Stripe Checkout payment methods can easily be reused. Adding payment method management on-site is currently not worth the additional development effort and potential security implications.