Feature proposal #8228
closedJSON searching without a row limit is unreliable
If you do not set a limit then the search behavior falls back to a generic * pathing. This isn't reliable with searching since that only works in comparing against the number of rows returned. It won't search inside those rows. Try using JSON_CONTAINS instead, which likely requires improvements to core CB to do this.
Updated by krileon about 4 years ago
- Subject changed from JSON searching needs further improvements to JSON searching without a row limit is unreliable
Updated by krileon almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Not really doable with the current search behavior of multiple field types. JSON search function would be most ideal to use, but you can't do operator based comparisons and can only work with NULL comparisons with potential for wildcard in the search value (similar to LIKE). Something that will need to be kept in mind in CB 3.x during the rewrite is a more consistent search behavior.
For now when no limit is available it will simply convert "is" and "isnot" search behaviors to "any" and "anynot" so it'll use LIKE with wildcards.