Bug #9263
closedStripe: return URLs containing non-UTF8 characters cause API calls to fail
Specifically the customer portal return URL in getStripeCustomerPortalURL. Despite this being sent as POST it appears the return_url still needs to be urlencoded. Review the API further and confirm applying urlencode won't break other usages.
stripe Stripe Billing Portal API error returned. ERROR: Invalid URL: Non-ASCII characters in URLs must be percent-encoded in order for the URL to be valid. CODE: url_invalid: Payment method for this subscription cannot be changed.
Call trace:
called in class cbpaidHistory::logError() on line 571 in file cbpaidPayHandler.php
called in class cbpaidPayHandler::_setLogErrorMSG() on line 684 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.stripe.php
called in class cbpaidstripeoem::resultNotification() on line 743 in file cbpaidControllerCBTab.php
called in class cbpaidControllerCBTab::getTabComponent() on line 1155 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.php
called in class getcbpaidsubscriptionsTab::getTabComponent() on line 92 in file cbpaidControllerCBComponent.php
called in class CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions::getCBpluginComponent() on line 880 in file cbPluginHandler.php
called in class cbPluginHandler::call() on line 1611 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::_callTabPlugin() on line 1725 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::tabClassPluginTabs() on line 731 in file comprofiler.php
called in function tabClass() on line 284 in file comprofiler.php
called in function require_once() on line 71 in file LegacyComponentDispatcher.php
called in class Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure}() on line 73 in file LegacyComponentDispatcher.php
Updated by krileon over 1 year ago
Need to also check Stripe Checkout usages which also set a return_url as may need same fix.
Updated by krileon over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Fixed in MR !326