Feature proposal #9529
openPlan Options: implement passing price and option selection to basket substitutions
For this to work basket substitutions needs a trigger to extend its substitutions. Next the following substitution structure should be supported so basket substitutions can be used in various condition logic.
[PLAN_{PLAN_ID}_OPTS_PRICE] displays the Name parameter of the selected price for a plan (e.g. [PLAN_1_OPTS_PRICE])
[PLAN_{PLAN_ID}_OPTS_OPTION_{OPTION_NAME}] displays the Value parameter of {OPTION_NAME} option from a specific plan (e.g. {OPTION_NAME} of 1-yr as [PLAN_1_OPTS_OPTION_1-YR] outputting opt_1)
Supporting this will allow for example conditioning a CBSubs Promotion to only be available for a specific plan price option.
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