Feature proposal #9572
openImplement support for custom URLs
This wouldn't be like CB Redirect Bot where it forces a 301 redirect or like Joomla's redirect extension detecting deadlinks. Instead this would allow injecting custom URL rewrites directly into Joomla's router. A big SEO issue is duplicate URLs. With custom rewrites you could rewrite them all to the same URL and avoid having to bother with canonical tags as you wouldn't have duplicate entry points anymore. It would also let you completely customize your SEO structure.
So for example you have: /activity/post/1
Maybe you want this to be: /posts/1
There isn't really a way to do this from a SEF standpoint in Joomla. Your only option is a redirect. This at the moment is just a thought experiment and maybe abandoned as Joomla 6 is looking to add canonical tags so it maybe not be really entirely necessary.