


Task #2477 » admin_german_1701bis1800.php

heyai, 03 May 2011 13:04

'Change' => 'Ändern',
'Log Priority' => 'Log Priorität',
// 434 language strings from view showhistorydetails / label History and Logs
'Log Id' => 'Log ID',
// 12 language strings from file plugin/cbsubsalphauserpoints/cbsubs.alphauserpoints.xml
'Parameters settings' => 'Parameter Einstellungen',
'Settings are done from within the paid subscriptions plugin in each plan/product.' => '',
'AcyMailing' => 'AcyMailing',
'Activation / Renewal / Upgrade' => 'Aktivierung / Erneuerung / Upgrade',
'Lists' => 'Listen',
'Add subscriber to specified lists on plan activation.' => 'Abonnenten zu den ausgewählten Listen hinzufügen, wenn Plan aktiviert wird',
'Remove on plan deactivation' => 'Entfernen bei Deaktivierung des Plans',
'Remove subscriber from specified lists on plan deactivation.' => 'Abonnenten von ausgewählten Listen entfernen, wenn Plan deaktiviert wird',
'Deactivation / Cancellation / Expiration' => 'Deaktivierung / Abbruch / Ablauf',
'Add subscriber to specified lists on plan deactivation.' => 'Abonnenten zu den ausgewählten Listen hinzufügen, wenn Plan deaktiviert wird',
'Remove on plan activation' => 'Entfernen bei Aktivierung des Plans',
'Remove subscriber from specified lists on plan activation.' => 'Abonnenten von ausgewählten Listen entfernen, wenn Plan aktiviert wird',
// 31 language strings from file plugin/cbsubsalphauserpoints/cbsubs.alphauserpoints.xml
'AlphaUserPoints' => 'AlphaUserPoints',
'Points' => 'Punkte',
'Modify a users points. Leave blank for no affect.' => '',
'Operator' => '',
'Set how the new points is handled.' => '',
'Set: Points = Value' => '',
'Add: Points = Points + Value' => '',
'Subtract: Points = Points - Value' => '',
'Multiply: Points = Points x Value' => '',
'Divide: Points = Points / Value' => '',
'Max Points' => '',
'Modify a users max points. Leave blank for no affect.' => '',
'Set how the new max points is handled.' => 'S',
'Set: Max Points = Value' => '',
'Add: Max Points = Max Points + Value' => '',
'Subtract: Max Points = Max Points - Value' => '',
'Multiply: Max Points = Max Points x Value' => '',
'Divide: Max Points = Max Points / Value' => '',
'Modify users points status.' => '',
'Unblocked' => '',
'Blocked' => '',
'Rank' => '',
'Modify users rank.' => '',
'Medal' => '',
'Users medal.' => '',
'How is medal for user handled.' => '',
'Add' => '',
'Remove' => '',
'Reason' => '',
'Reason for users medal.' => '',
'Modify a users maximum points. Leave blank for no affect.' => '',
// 25 language strings from file plugin/cbsubscbfield/cbsubs.cbfield.xml
'CB Fields' => '',
'CB fields changing on plan activation and deactivation:' => '',
'Field 1' => 'Feld 1',
'Field' => 'Feld',
'Select field to change on subscription activation / deactivation. Leave unselected for no effect.' => '',
'Value' => 'Wert',
'Enter the value to put in field when this subscription is activated. For multiselect and multicheckbox fields, you may enter multiple values separated by `|*|` (without quotes).' => '',
'Remove value on plan deactivation' => '',
'If this value should be removed when plan gets deactivated for any reason (expiration, cancellation, chargeback, etc).' => '',
'Set how the new value is handled. Only applies to integer field types. All other field types assumed Set.' => '',
'Set: Field = Value' => '',
'Add: Field = Field + Value' => '',
'Subtract: Field = Field - Value' => '',
'Multiply: Field = Field x Value' => '',
'Divide: Field = Field / Value' => '',
'Field 2' => 'Feld 2',
'Set: Field = Value how the new value is handled. Only applies to integer field types. All other field types assumed Set: Field = Value.' => '',
'Field 3' => 'Feld 3',
'Field 4' => 'Feld 4',
'Field 5' => 'Feld 5',
'Field 6' => 'Feld 6',
'Field 7' => 'Feld 7',
'Field 8' => 'Feld 8',
'Field 9' => 'Feld 9',
'Field 10' => 'Feld 10',
// 82 language strings from file plugin/cbsubscontent/cbsubs.content.xml
'Settings are done from within the paid subscriptions plugin in the general settings and in each plan/product.' => '',
'Content/Extensions' => '',
'CMS Content and Extensions access depending on subscription:' => '',
'This integration plugin requires the cbsubsbot to be installed.' => '',
'Articles access' => '',
'The following setting is valid for all articles, sections, and categories access protection:' => '',
'Still show intro text for articles' => '',
'If the settings is yes, the Introduction part of articles will remain visible without subscription to controlling plan. If no, the article content won\'t be visible, only the title, author and date depending on settings.' => '',
'No: access to articles introduction is also restricted' => '',
'Yes: articles introductions remain visible' => '',
'Full access granted for' => '',
'The following ACL groups have access to all content and extensions, independantly of plans settings:' => '',
'No access restriction for Groups' => '',
'These user groups have no access restrictions depending on plan (default: Administrators and Super Administrators user groups).' => '',
'24|*|25' => '24|*|25',
'Access Control' => 'Zugriffskontrolle',
'Show access control overview' => 'Überblick über Zugriffskontrolle anzeigen',
'Content' => 'Inhalt',
'CMS Content access depending on subscription:' => 'Zugriff auf CMS-Inhalte abhängig von Abonnement:',
'CBSubs bot installation check' => 'Prüfen, ob CBSubs bot installiert ist',
'For read access' => 'Für Lese-Zugriff',
'The following settings control the read access to content:' => '',
'READ: By Content Section' => 'LESEN: nach Sektion',
'Sections which access rights depend on this plan' => 'Sektionen, deren Zugriffsrechte von diesem Plan abhängen',