


Bug #2950 ยป 2950.patch

beat, 02 November 2011 23:57

View differences:

administrator/components/com_comprofiler/library/cb/cb.lists.php (working copy)
. "\n $('div.cbSearchKind select').click( function() {"
. "\n cbsearchkrit( this );"
// At page startup fires the click event, which executes the callback just defined above:
. "\n } ).click();"
. "\n } ).each( function() { cbsearchkrit(this); });" //.click();"
. "\n $('div.cbSearchKind select').change( function() {"
. "\n cbsearchkrit( this );"
// At search startup the fields are hidden as just defined above
administrator/components/com_comprofiler/view/view.users.php (working copy)
if ( is_array( $cid ) && count( $cid ) ) {
$vars['cid'] = $cid;
//$this->_cbadmin_ajaxContent( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php?option=' . $option . '&task=ajaxemailusers', false, 'raw' ), '#cbProgressIndicator', $vars );
// $this->_cbadmin_ajaxBatch( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php?option=' . $option . '&task=ajaxemailusers', false, 'raw' ), '#cbProgressIndicator', $vars, $emailPause, 0, $emailsPerBatch, $textDuringExecution, $textWhenDone, '.cbicon-48-massmail', $textWhenDone );
$this->_cbadmin_ajaxBatch( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php?option=' . $option, false, 'raw' ), '#cbProgressIndicator', '#cbmailbatchform', $vars, $emailPause, 0, $emailsPerBatch, $textDuringExecution, $textWhenDone, '.cbicon-48-massmail', $textWhenDone );
<form action="<?php echo $_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php' ); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm" class="cb_form" id="cbmailbatchform">
<?php $this->_userslistFilters( $search, $lists, $inputTextExtras, $searchTabContent ); ?>
// First output list and jquery to fix selects to multiple:
$this->_userslistFilters( $search, $lists, $inputTextExtras, $searchTabContent );
// Then auto-post the modified form:
$this->_cbadmin_ajaxBatch( $_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php?option=' . $option, false, 'raw' ), '#cbProgressIndicator', '#cbmailbatchform', $vars, $emailPause, 0, $emailsPerBatch, $textDuringExecution, $textWhenDone, '.cbicon-48-massmail', $textWhenDone );
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="adminlist">